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September 1st, 2013

[info]mindkiller in [info]we_coexist

A Walk in the Park (Oswin)

By the time Leto finished exploring the apartment he'd been given, the day was nearly over. Eager to see more of the place where he'd found himself, Leto stepped back out onto the streets of the City. But his steps took him back to where he'd begun -- the City Commons, a lush park full of green things. At the palace back home, they'd kept a garden much like the park -- though smaller in size. This park, however, was something grand and beautiful. He wanted to see the rest of the City, yes.... and he would. But this luxurious green was still a wonderment.

He walked through it at a leisurely pace, staying off the pavemented sidewalks. At some point, he removed his shoes. Crushing grass under his feet as he went, Leto couldn't stop the smile on his face. It hadn't truly faded since he'd arrived. The immense sense of freedom was delicious. A whole new life to live. A whole new path. He only wished his twin sister were here to share it with him.

Presently, the sun began its slip down toward the horizon, filling the sky with fire. Only then, did he step onto the sidewalks. There was a bench close at hand, and he used it to sit while he pulled on his socks and shoes again.

A glimmer caught his eye as he laced up. When he turned to look, something large and metallic presented itself from the growing shadows in the park. It seemed to be a statue, but a strange one. When he was done with his shoes, he stood back up and approached it. The stillness of it would indeed suggest some sort of ornamental creation, or perhaps a monument. But there were no plaques to announce its meaning, and no base upon which it should have sat, were it a true statue. Leto put out a hand to the shell of it, and pushed lightly.

[info]i_tame in [info]we_coexist

Answers (Dr. Crane)

Planning was key.

At exactly 12:04, with a quiet "Excuse me," to her co-worker, Beauty went to the front of the store. She didn't typically carry a purse, but today she'd taken one -- a small black thing with a cell phone pocket on the outside, small enough to clutch in her lap. She pulled out the note she'd written last night on rose-embellished stationery. She'd put Errol's name in beautiful script in the center of the creamy envelope. Tapping her finger nervously on the side of that note, she eyed the front door and waited a few more seconds.

At 12:05, the yellow car pulled up in front of the store. Beauty set the note directly on top of the register, then hurried out the door, leaving the bell to ring behind her. The beating of her heart was rapid, but she ignored it. Once inside the cab, she tugged out the bit of paper where she'd written down the information about her false appointment. During the cab ride, she read her notes twice and focused on the next steps, firmly pushing her trepidation away. She was angry enough to do it more easily than she'd imagined.

Just outside Arkham's reception area, Beauty took out the watch Bruce had given her and looped it around her palm so only the strap was visible if she kept her hand closed. Then she used her cell phone to dial Errol's mobile number. While the phone rang, she tucked the device upside-down in the pocket of her purse, then stepped up to the receptionist.

"Hope Jones," she said to the receptionist. "I have an appointment with Dr. Crane about my nightmares."

She was shown to Dr. Crane's office. When she stepped into the room and closed the door, she didn't turn around immediately. A breath. She smoothed the front of her dress with her free hand, then finally whirled. Beauty was not smiling as she advanced toward the desk of the so-called doctor.