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February 2nd, 2013

[info]i_soldieron in [info]we_coexist

Burgers and Science, yay? (Wash - Random pairing)

Dean had been so caught up in the Fred case that he hadn't noticed the City doing more than defying normal science. It was going full tilt screwed up scifi, and he didn't know what to make of it. He was on his way to check on Fred, maybe see his own personal superheroine while he was at it. His thumb grazed the palmside of the ring, but he didn't try to activate it. It was strange to feel comfort in a lo-jack.

The older Winchester glanced down at his watch and thought of shaking it, but he knew it wouldn't matter. Things had been off for nearly a day, and he didn't think it would get better. This was not good. He'd have to ask the two women he was going to see if they'd seen something like this. Dinah hadn't been in the City much longer than he had, but still, she might have seen something in that whacky verse of hers before all this.

As he was going to see Fred, one of those he knew could appreciate a good burger, he decided to hit up a burger stand that had become one of his favorites. The people of the City, the ones born there, seemed okay with the strangeness. Dean wasn't, but at the time, there wasn't much he could do. He had a few ideas of who to ask, but it'd have to wait.

He got in line to wait and stare at a dark starlit sky that should have at least had a little bit of sun in it.

[info]i_captivate in [info]we_coexist

Lost in the City [Zoe - Random Pairing]

Christine was glad to have the opportunity to leave the manor alone now. As much as she enjoyed spending her time with Erik she couldn't rely on his busy schedule so she could leave. He had informed her of the two men he had hired to follow her. To keep her safe from whatever it is that makes him worry about her. She had no idea just what he worried about so much but there seemed to be no point in asking. Even now she knew it would never, ever happen.

Unless she happened to be very lucky.

She arranged to leave the manor, not entirely sure where she wanted to go yet. A simple walk perhaps. After leaving the town car she told the driver she would be in touch when she wished to return and then turned her back to face the street. Perhaps she could look into some flowers for the garden. Or some other trinkets to make it beautiful. Anything really. Anything to make the day go faster.

Christine walked alone with the two bodyguards near by but not so much that she felt overwhelmed by them. She at least knew they were there if anything happened. As she walked the pavement, she kept her eyes out for somewhere to potentially eat first. When she came across somewhere she had a glance and was intrigued. Perhaps she would try there if she did not find anything else. As she turned to walk further down the street she quickly collided with someone.

"Forgive me!" she said quickly. She had been so focused on the restaurant that she had not looked around before walking.