Before Rona could even think of a response to Bourne or Hera she found herself being tugged into her husband's lap for a much more satisfying kiss. Mornings like this were among her favorite. Physically she felt fine, none of the children were unwell and Bourne was here with them. She expected days like this might be more common with the jubilee going on, though of course the jubilee also meant she had other things to attend to. Her family, mostly, but also... other matters that would never be discussed in front of the children, or even Bourne necessarily. Telling him she wished him to be King and adding on what steps she'd take to make it so were entirely different things.
"I do believe that I will not remain the prettiest one in the family for very long," Rona informed them all, pleased with the compliment and the information that the girls hadn't been able to do up the laces on her dress. "Hera and SigrĂșn will outdo me before they are even twelve."
Both twins beamed, but then SigrĂșn added, "Never prettier than mother."
"Could be," Hera challenged.
While the two of them argued, Cedrych seeming to lack an opinion on the matter completely -- a wise choice -- Rona gave a slow nod. She didn't begrudge him where he went just as he didn't begrudge her what she did with Nevina. Though she always made sure to say something so he didn't think her passive. "Perhaps next time you may give me more than a day's warning," she murmured into his ear, fingers toying with the edge of his hair. Cedrych rolled his eyes at that motion, earning a childish stuck out tongue from his mother. "As my original intentions for this day were time spent with my family." Nights were, usually, included.