"I agree. The best part so far has been making your acquaintance, to be perfectly honest." Priya confessed, lowering her head as she smiled sheepishly. So far there hadn't been a great part of being here, but if it depended on her, there would be.
She enjoyed the peach-colored heat on Calista's cheeks, a sign that the woman was not indifferent to her, much as she had sensed. Priya felt a pang of some sort in her own chest when Calista said she had thought of her, however, and this was nothing to do with the Keeper or her service to Him. It was her turn to blush. "I have been, yes. I've been getting to know Kingswood, its locales of note, its people. It is all very different from the quiet place I come from." She looked to her new friend. "How have you fared so far?"