Daphina, a woman who believed that one should do whatever one could get away with within reason, could not say she felt any form of shame for having answered the question to begin with. It had seemed like the most normal thing in the world, though there were those in court who would consider it quite the opposite, and now she found she could not draw her attention away from Gia’s reaction. Though for reasons unknown to herself she wriggled the toes of one foot when the comments about soles was confirmed. Still, since she had -- at some point -- at least considered turning that question around… the subject was on her mind and it was most distracting. Proper or not, she needed to remember to tell Gia how much of a distraction she could be in a library.
The finger on her lip gave Daphina a slight mental start -- enough for her to more or less do as she was being told and release it. The effect of suddenly letting that lower lip go resulted in something of a jutting pout for a moment, and if asked she would forever deny that it was potentially deliberate. Because it was not. “I was not biting hard,” she defended, not particularly knowing why she had opened that line of discussion while also weighing up the rest of what Gia had said. She could think of only one real way to pamper lips when cosmetics were absent, and for all of a moment Daphina’s mouth curled up at one corner in a manner that made her seem inexplicably triumphant where it marked Gia’s amusement. Without daring to put too much thought into the matter, the blonde leaned over and placed a soft kiss on lips she half-worried might run away with the woman they belonged to. Wasn’t that how it usually worked at court? Though her now-free hand seemed to have touched a finger to Gia jawline, and it did not seem like she was fleeing in horror.
“Forgive me; that was horribly forward and I am a shameless opportunist.” While having not technically moved, Daphina had… stopped. Because… well, she could not explain why besides the voice of self-criticism playing in her mind, informing her she could have burned the library down and she would never have noticed. Which was likely true. Unless Gia now slapped her for her behaviour, she did not care -- if she was going to be completely honest she had wanted to do that since she laid eyes on her.