To her credit, Gia didn't grin broadly when Daphina's face lit up at the mention of fairer looks being more to her taste. She was clearly not an unintelligent girl who couldn't figure out that Gia might be referencing her appearance directly, so of course she was pleased by it. How could she be anything else when a pretty woman had that look because of her? It is nearly as good as - ah, Gia, no, do not do that. Not now. Any thoughts of another woman who may intrude on her mind were pushed to the back behind a wall labeled 'do not cross' and Gia finished off her tea to help them stay there. "Perhaps I shall, though Ilario has a tendency to do something similar to ensure I do not have the suitors sent off the wrong way. He is a persistent man." The laughter she had earned from Daphnia helped to keep thoughts of Eileen behind the wall, her smile still amused as she waited for her to finish and say why it was so funny.
Gia had meant it. She was sure beyond a doubt that Daphina Taraias was the sort of woman who attracted suitors whether she wished for them or not.
"Would that your father were my brother," Gia lamented. "He would accept every offer that came his way if it were not for his wife. She and I met at court when I was here, you see, and so we were friends before he ever wedded her." It was helpful at times, and painful at others, and the slip in her smile may have attested to that, but Gia tried to cover it by pouring herself more tea. She imagined that women in situations like this drank far more than they would have otherwise. "But just because your father frightens them does not mean they do not exist." Her pale eyes sparkled as she set her tea down and leaned forward. "You seem clever enough, if you wished a suitor success I imagine you would find ways about your father."