"Well, yes..." Gia's words stalled out as she considered what Daphina had said and the work before her. If looked at with the eye of any but her in a way that saw only what it was and not what she had envisioned in her mind then she supposed that it was actually very well done. Especially if the person looking at it had never seen the gardens at Eileen's home. "I suppose that it does. I may not throw it away." Which would have been true in any case for Gia never threw out her projects. She may have an idea for how to make them work better another day and she would hate having to start over. This was likely why her rooms were a cluttered, not mess, place.
Gia felt a surge of delight when she saw a hint of pink suffusing Daphina's cheek at her honest compliment. Though she was caught a touch off-guard by the return compliment, knowing that her own cheeks would darken even as her smile took on a delighted edge. "Of course, Taraias, that albino ferret." It was a ferret and not a weasel she hoped, or else she'd be corrected. No one enjoyed having their sigil mistaken even if the colors were not to their own liking. "I met your sister, Janna, during my time at court, though she left not terribly long after I came. I doubt she would remember me in any case." Gia remembered the pretty ladies she met, they didn't always remember her unless she had done something exceedingly odd. "Thank you, Daphina." Rune had paid her dozens of compliments the previous night and not a single one had struck the same nerve as simple being told that she had extraordinary eyes did. When was the last time a woman had said that to her? "I would claim credit for them but alas, I believe that belongs to my mother, everyone says I look like her." Stretching out her fingers, they had been beginning to cramp, Gia rolled her eyes. "I have a very small family, we are hardly notable so it is no surprise you have not met one. It would be me or my brother or nephew, and neither of them would know the proper way to react to a lovely woman without sticking their foot down their throat." Should she have said that? Likely not, but Gia had a reputation to maintain, and if something she said didn't give her brother apoplexy at least once a week she wasn't maintaining it.
Gia did something very unladylike in the next moment when she shifted her leg to move out the chair nearest her, unbothered by the flash of leg beneath her light green skirts that showed for a moment before vanishing again. "Would you sit? I am sure you are not used to hearing this, but staring up at you is going to give me a crick in my neck, and I would rather you stay than go."