Something like that… Reyne’s thoughts responded as she wondered briefly how someone like Calista might react to the truth. That Iliana was her daughter and Reyne herself was a century older than the age she claimed. Although she did stop to consider the twins. Both herself and Nevina had an affinity for Illusions, Iliana for enchantments, but the twins? They leaned towards blood magic. It was hardly the kind of difference Calista meant, but it was enough for the Bringer to see she had a point. Or that she would have a point if Iliana were actually her youngest sister. The thread of the conversation seemed to have unravelled in her mind. “Other than strange rumours, that is all you’re likely to hear about us,” Reyne admitted. “We’re a big clan -- or so it can seem, relatives appear from out of nowhere -- so family record keeping went out of the window before the founding of Hel Mordha itself. Iliana will find her place; it’s why she’s here.” Well, that wasn’t actually a lie. None of it had been.
This time, Reyne did laugh, though a last-second illusion drew any of the usual harsh edge out of it. “Ardghal is everywhere else, turned upside-down,” she said simply. As far she could see, that was the long and short of it. She could also see the colour in Calista’s cheeks, however, and her mind turned to the Lady Hand calling her ‘friendly’. Reyne herself considered Calista personable to the point it took effort to maintain a convincingly amiable demeanour that matched any illusion she cast. Although, generally speaking, that likely was not difficult. Still, while the Creator was not mentioned she had no lingering desire to put her hand down the woman’s throat and wrench out her tongue. Which lead her to consider the why behind her apparently being at odds with her husband -- or with her marriage? It was not always the same thing. “Except when it is,” Reyne quipped in reference to Calista’s face. She would put money -- nay, blood -- on Nevina knowing her by sight.
Again, a laugh, though it was genuinely softer this time. The fascination with Ardghal was something she would never understand if she lived to be over four hundred years of age. “Of course.” She very nearly sounded obliging. “Then everyone else can hear me declare that the rest of the Realm lives their lives incorrectly.” Her sister would murder her, but Lady Siobhán might get a laugh out of it if she was around.
“Here, men complain about wives who are somehow lesser for being women. In Ardghal, women don’t complain as much about husbands who are recognised as being a touch lesser because they are men. However--” And this was the reason she believed the rest of the Blessed Realm was doing everything wrong. “--they can still hold military ranks, still be knights. Everything is open to them but inheritance laws.” As though she were in the training yard, Reyne unconsciously dusted off her hands. “Now, Hel Mordha is… Well, where the rumours come from.” She smirked. That was a lie if she ever told one.