Calista nodded as Reyne explained Nevina and being chosen as a lady-in-waiting. It made sense that they'd have met at court since neither of them were from the same kingdom. She had always wondered what went into being a lady-in-waiting, a part of her wondering if she could've managed it instead of a marriage if perhaps Rona had come to court sooner, before she had been married off to Dustin. "Ah, the tag-along child," Calista said with a smile, thinking of her own youngest. "They are usually the odd ones out. My own youngest is nothing at all like my eldest." Nothing so drastic as being the only dark or light-haired child in generations, though. "Now that you mention it, everything I have ever heard of the Mordha family speaks to light hair." Calista may not be the most well-versed in genealogy or the families of the realms, but some of them stood out. The families of Ardghal were among those. "She must feel a bit of an outsider."
"Hmmm," Calista said as though she were considering. "Would it be greedy to say both? I would offer to exchange tales of my own home, but Arcadie is well known and Empyrean does not have strange cultures. Or at least it does not in the area where I make my home." She imagined other parts may be different, but she didn't have experience with them and would therefore be unable to tell much that wasn't second hand. Her cheeks colored at the remark about her face not being easily dismissed. Calista had no defining marks such as scars or marks, so if someone thought her face remarkable it was because she was pretty. Dustin insisted on telling her that all of the time, which was annoying, and when other people agreed? Calista felt flattered. "Perhaps not, but a face is not always enough to remember." She shifted slightly. "I did mean that I would like to hear about Ardghal, or Mordha. Would you care to walk as we talk? I dislike staying still."