"Reyne then." What was the name of the other sister? Or were there two...? Calista couldn't remember for the life of her, which she supposed was something she needed to work on if she was going to be spending a year surrounded by these people. It would look better if she could remember their names, people reacted better if you did, and remembered you more fondly. That could come in handy should word ever spread of a fight between her and Dustin. As for the glass, well, Calista wasn't actually sure if it was well-polished as the excuse had just sprung to her lips. She could see herself in the windows of her own rooms back in Kolite. I should have come up with something better to say. "This is true. It is simply the first hunt my youngest son is on, and it is natural for a mother to worry." Briar wasn't the martial type, and never would be no matter how hard Dustin tried.
Mention of the dress was all that Calista needed to take a closer look at it, and she could see why perhaps Reyne wished to hide because it was just the sort to draw attention. "My sympathy for the passing of your husband." Sympathy was expected, even if a part of Calista was openly wishing that her marriage had been a short-lived endeavour. It would not do to say such things out loud, however, so she kept it to herself as she did so many of the thoughts in her head. Such as her admiration for the way that Reyne looked in the dress. A lady could say she admired the dress, but to say she admired the figure? Yet another thing servants would be all too happy to gossip about. "Your sister is one of Princess Rona's ladies-in-waiting, is she not?" Calista grasped on that thought to pull her mind away from Reyne's curves, curiosity in her eyes.
Her own dress earned a vaguely dismissive flick of the skirt from her fingers. "They are," she replied, yet again wishing she had dressed in one of her darker gowns. "My husband is Lord Dustin Kolite, I am Calista." If Reyne dismissed 'lady' as self-congratulatory, Calista wasn't going to attach to her own name and be thought a peacock. The title was truly Dustin's after all, not hers, they were not her lands. "I believe that I have seen or met your sister on one of my visits."