War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


June 26th, 2011

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[Filter to everyone except Jaime - Now filtered against Evil Pieces Of Shit]
It would, I think, be to everyone's interest - and the immeasurable good as far as what remains of my sanity is concerned - if discussions concerning people being burned were 'filtered' (is that the word?) against my brother. It is something of a sore subject and I would so hate for him to do something stupid and get himself killed.

In the meantime I think it only prudent at least one of us learns to defend ourselves against the numerous peculiarities of this war. Damnit Jaime I was going to go to Vegas I would appreciate any advice those of you with somewhat more experience could offer.

I take it you intend to go after this 'witch' of theirs?

[OOC: As Erin has noticed, this doesn't filter against evil because so far no one's explained to Los Lannisteros that evil have access to this thing too... whoops? :D]

June 22nd, 2011

Filter to Tyrion

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I've heard you're here too brother. In fact you'll be pleased to know I was asked was I Tyrion's brother.

Are you in this 'complex' too?
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