War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


October 9th, 2013

No Evil/Possessed

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If you're trapped in the Complex, yell or make as much noise as you can so we know where you are.


Where are you? Are you safe?

September 10th, 2013

No Lucifer, Evil, or Children

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I have a confession to make.

My name isn't Kate Jones.

My name is Sydney Bristow. And I'm not an English teacher, though I have a degree that says I'm qualified to be one.

For several years in my world, I was working for what I believed to be a covert branch of the CIA. I didn't realize until later that it was really a terrorist organization. When I found out the truth, I immediately went to the real CIA and became a double agent.

As a CIA agent, I've taken more lives than I care to think about. I've been both directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of people who were not bad people, but were casualties of a war between right and wrong.

To those who are considering offering to switch places with Death, I urge you to ask yourself if you can live with the deaths of innocent people on your conscience. To think about whether you can handle it if you're required to take the life of someone you know or love, and to not let that destroy you when the day is over. Because it's not an easy thing to live with.

I understand wanting to help, but please weigh the consequences closely before you make any kind of decision like this. It isn't something that you can ever be free from once it's done.

August 27th, 2013

Filtered to Laura

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*[Actually Irina, but false names, etc...]

How're you settling in, love? I know it takes a bit of adjustment sometimes.

Are you
How are
Is he right that
Oh bugger it

July 24th, 2013

Filtered Against Evil

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Spike, I would like to thank you for your help a few days ago, and to apologise again for our little misunderstanding.

Considering I'm about as settled as I'll ever be and I can't ignore reality for much longer. My name is Laura and I was wondering who I need to contact to obtain the necessary documentation to work here?

[OOC: Irina trusts no one and isn't going to go by her actual name. At least for now says the muse]

July 21st, 2013

Filtered against evil

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Now that I've had 2 days to sleep and wake up and still find myself in the same place, I'm...no less convinced this is a hallucination, if I'm completely honest. But what is disturbing me even more is the lack of tea in this town. It's part of my morning routine and considering I'm in some really wacky situation, it'd be really nice to keep some piece of my normal daily routine in tact. But I can't even have that. This may potentially drive me into the pit of true insanity.

I going to go stock up on crosswords today. I need something to keep myself busy.
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