War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


November 18th, 2010

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So, I found a shirt. And a jacket. Aaaand some food that I don't think was bad, but I did have a friggin' weirdass dream afterwards, so it might have been kinda funky. Hard to tell, with bread.

But, yeah. Found some abandoned cabin out here in the middle of friggin' nowhere, but it's got a bed and there ain't any zombies in it, and the generator works long enough for me to charge the phone even though it doesn't work as well when you're rigging up a charger 'cause you left yours in the friggin' past.

We ever gettin' home, or are we supposed t'be plannin' on staying here? 'cause if we're here much longer, I'm gonna need a gun.


I'm really sorry about Chuck. I just saw. You holding up okay, now?

November 16th, 2010

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In related news, I'm off the clock for however long it takes an adult male to eat 30 boxes of twinkies.

November 8th, 2010

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Shit, now what the hell's going on?

October 13th, 2010

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I've never seen so many happy people in one place before. Did y'all find the good drugs? I'd like some, if you did. Not that I ain't happy, 'cause I am, I just haven't had any in a while. Not since I was dead, anyway.

September 29th, 2010

Text to Jo

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Nice flowers.

You got a secret admirer or somethin'?

September 27th, 2010

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Think I may skip town for a couple days, at the end of the week.

Dean & Sam )

Ash )

September 25th, 2010

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Time to just bone up and do it.

Everyone? I'm sorry for how I acted.

I'm so very sorry I didn't believe you, and that I made you stay with me during all that.

Words can't express how sorr You probably hate me now I wish I could make up for i
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for punching you.

I need to get very drunk right now. Join me?

I'm sorry.

September 22nd, 2010

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i...i needhelp 

its dean hes...someone pelase helpp

September 21st, 2010

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Dude, did you just take down Giant Winchester?

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Sam isn't answering his phone.

Someone tell me where the hell he is or I swear someone will...


If you hurt him you'll regret it more than Daddy Harvelle regretted trusting a Winc...

September 14th, 2010

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...woah, okay. This was not where I thought I'd end up. Ridiculous.

So, anybody gonna tell me what the hell's goin' on? Demons? Seriously?
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