War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


September 18th, 2015

No known threats

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With the loss of so many, the Graveyard Welcome Patrols have suffered a loss. These are the people who are dispatched by the Camera Monitoring Team to the graveyard once new arrivals are detected. Below are the teams; please comment here if you are interested in being added to them.

Teams )

ETA: Three more volunteers after Rory below will give us enough people to have a different team every day of the week.

Volunteers are now only needed for the Security Patrol Teams.

Security Patrol Team - schedule TBD )

June 18th, 2015

No Known Threats

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Pepper Potts, Peggy Carter and Edwin Jarvis have all been sent home.

Just in case anyone wanted to know.

Now I'm going to go and drown myself in whisky

February 21st, 2015

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With Lois gone, I'm taking over the welcoming committee stuff. We could use a few more people, if anyone's interested, since we lost a few other people. It'd be good to have three people on each team and maybe some alternates.
Building: Skye, Seth, Cami, Mona, Myka

Team 1: Rose, Sydney, Lissa
Team 2: Faith, Kirk, Buffy, Gamora
Team 3: Jack, Alaric, Ward, Vicki
Team 4: Thea, Natasha, Ariel, Scorpius
Team 5: Giles, Oliver, Marcel, Bobbi

Monday: Team 1
Tuesday: Team 2
Wednesday: Team 3
Thursday: Team 4
Friday: Team 5
Saturday: alternate weekends (Team 1,2,3)
Sunday: alternate weekends (Team 4,5)

December 4th, 2014

No evil

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So let's get this welcome committee going.

Team 1: Robin H, Ana, Claire D, Peter P.
Team 2: Marcel, Belle, Kirk, Skye
Team 3: Lissa, Rose (L's), Sydney, Ariel
Team 4: Natasha, Peter V., Jo, Ginger

Alternates: Thea, Oliver, Faith, Trey
Manning the building: Neal, Skye, Seth, Cami

As you can see we'd love more who want to volunteer.


Your scheduled times: (Let me know if this needs to be altered)
Sunday/Monday: Team 4: Natasha, Peter V., Jo, Ginger
Tuesday/Wednesday: Team 1: Robin H, Ana, Claire D, Peter P.
Thursday/Friday: Team 3: Lissa, Rose (L's), Sydney, Ariel
Saturday:Team 2: Marcel, Belle, Kirk, Skye
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