War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



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September 16th, 2011

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Wuts this? Hello? Were's my dad? I waked up and wa went to get a glass of water and this iznt my howse...i think im lost...

September 6th, 2011

Filtered Against Bad People

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I'm thinking...A LOT.

Someone stop me.

August 29th, 2011

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..Tonight, a diner served me pie in a cup. A glass cup. I'm officially ashamed to even call it pie. Who eats pie out of a cup? It's as ridiculous as people eating a snickers bar with a fork and knife or something. But at least they brought me extra. It kinda made up for my cup pie confusion.

August 24th, 2011

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I miss Frank Merlin, I miss Neville too, my little Neville that is How do I even miss my War?

Do others get homesick here? Probably a stupid question I think I even miss Mad-Eye at this point, I thought of him when I put my wand behind my ear today. That's pretty bad, actually, so others shouldn't follow that example.

I'm sort of ready for the hunting 101, but I need to find other things to do as well. To help out around here.

filtered against baddies

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Back to the grind I guess. School is still kind of a pain but at lest with more complex kids it isn't as lame..by the way if you guys need anything I can help. I'll admit I'm not the most amazing student ever, but I do know my way around that school.

So...any ideas on relearning to fly? I've been trying not to force it or anything..but give me a break. How long can I really be expected just to wait it out and see if it happens?

School doesn't suck nearly as bad and it has a lot to do with you being awesome. So this weekend don't make plans kay?

Hey, so..tutoring huh? How are you with math?

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But really, though. Really. What the crap? I only know how to work a stupid blog thingy because of stupid stupid Fang but I'm told it'll help so, well, here I am. Now. Where is 'here'? And how did I get here? Typically, when I'm kidnapped and taken to a strange location without knowing it, it involves a cage or at least a locked room. Not an open street near an internet cafe.

Which has amazing cookies, by the way. Apparently I look 'pitiful'. If it gets me free chocolate chip cookies, whatever, bring it.

And yes, I say all of that like it's true because it is. So...yeah.
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