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War Is Coming Communications.



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October 24th, 2013

No Evil--that includes you, creeper ex. And no kids, cause awkward!!!

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Ladies and gentlemen, congratulate me. I'm the luckiest woman in the world.

I'm dating Christian Grey!

Seriously, I should be ashamed, as these books are stupid and insane and pointless. Not to mention demeaning to women. And the human race.

But... See that picture? That's aaaaall mine.

October 23rd, 2013

no evil

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I think I'm going stir crazy.

October 14th, 2013

Harry's Friends

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Someone attacked Harry.

He's pretty beaten up. Whoever...whatever did it did a thorough job. John's working on him now, he should be fine I hope, but he's unconscious and going to be feeling awful later.

We brought him back to the Inn with us if you want to see him, but not till he's ready and able. And not for long. He's going to need rest and lots of it.

October 13th, 2013

no evil or known possessed

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im sorry

i dont even know what else to say except that/.

its ruined isn't it

October 8th, 2013

Text to "Jules"

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» How long have you been in her?

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[Friends of Jules]

Guys. I don't know how to...


Something tried to possess me. Bounced off the tattoo and I think I only got away cause I grapple hooked to the rooftop. But thing is, there was another demon there, going on about following Lucifer's great plan...

It was in Juliet.

I'm sorry guys..

[Lucifer Loyalists]

Run Jullliiiet run. Keep em busy little sister!

The rest of you. Find a way into that damn complex, we already got stuff in there I want more. Maria, want to help me finish off at Stark

October 7th, 2013

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[Text to Dean]
>>You may want to come collect your ring.

[Text to Rose]
>>The weddings off.

October 6th, 2013

Filtered to Still!Possessed Buddies

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I hear lots of people were sent back through the Seal.

The fun for these idiots never seems to end, does it?

October 3rd, 2013

Texts to Jules

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» Did I do something?
» I mean, I know things weren't good for a while there. But I thought we were okay now.
» I'm trying. But if I did something, tell me.
» I love you.

Filtered against Lucifer / Klaus / those who are currently possessed (that have been exposed).

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Booth is gone. I...thought...if you were friends with him or knew him or - he's gone. I thought you should know.

It's probably for the bes
He would've been
That deal would've
He didn't need to be
I'll miss

Now what are we gonna do about Klaus? Anyone got a way to keep him from going after James? What if Ruby's knife
Or the Colt

(Filtered to Juliet)
Can we talk? About Dean?

September 29th, 2013


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Are you and dad fighting or something?

You haven't been around lately and stuff. And stuff he said It's not because of me, right?

September 26th, 2013

Properly aligned Demons

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I just had to say I missed the antichrist. Theirs that skin crawling feeling again.

I may have to resort to more drastic measures, she won't take the brat off the property.

[Filtered to Dean!]
I think we need to talk.

September 25th, 2013

Text to Ruby

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>>I can't make coffee.
>>We have a break in the case.

anti evil filter

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I'm going to have to work late the next while, not entirely sure how long it'll last. Might end up staying the night at the station a few days, ugh. All nighters. Dean, feed the cat? But not bacon.

[Demons filter sans Ruby or Crowley]
I feel dirty.

Can we talk?

September 22nd, 2013

no evil or lucifers

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My cat is suspiciously interested in bacon. But she never eats people food from me anyway.

September 19th, 2013

Filtered to the Ladies...cept Lexi. Not her!

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Bachelorette party for Lexi. Not at Bed of Roses cause that would be silly.

...Jo? Roadhouse?

Friday night, say, 9pm?

Now I have to go find a Bon Jovi coverband who is available like...now.

September 9th, 2013

girly filter!(all of them unless they are evil? then no.)

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Men are idiots.

August 18th, 2013

Hunter filter

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Another murder showed up on my desk this morning, autopsy findings similar to my partner's injuries. I've got copies of said reports if you guys think you might be able to make any sense of them.

August 17th, 2013

no evil or kids under 16

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I was able

the autopsy report came in. Gadges

The report showed the victim-my partner suffered claw marks, also the throat was cut apart by what appeared to be a knife. But I've never seen a knife pattern the way it was.

[ooc: backdated slightly to just the other day!]

August 13th, 2013

no evil

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My current partner went AWOL. Nobodies seen him in a week. We've done all the usual checks but their coming up dry.
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