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War Is Coming Communications.



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July 27th, 2013

Filtered against evil bitches.

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I can't get drunk, but I can find the brighter side of being fictional.

Like people doing texts from last night on my face.

Which do you think you'll be hearing from me when we get the booze back?


What about you other rumored to be fictional peoples? Got any texts from last night? Because if you don't, comment here and I will sure as shit be the one to change that. Everyone deserves to be honored via drunken text tomfoolery.

June 29th, 2013

Filtered against Lucifer.

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...Harry, I make one joke about apparating with you.


June 26th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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[ooc: Backdated to the full moon, around 2am. Recovering from even a short vacation is hard.]

Can't sleep. Seems like I'm not the only one with that problem around here, though. Hopefully it's not for the same reason.

[Filtered to Remus]

So as it turns out I can't sleep during the full moon here, either.

I hope you're all right. You know where to find me when you get back. I'm here to help even if you don't want

[Filtered to Harry, Ron, and Hermione]

So, this whole being fictional thing. First of all, I don't like it. Second of all, I don't like knowing that the books are as accessible as they are because — well, I can say I don't want to know what happens all I want, but it feels like it's too easy to change my mind if I know they're out there. I've avoided them so far and I only know as much as Remus has told me, but he's only got a few months on me. A few rather awful months, but—

What I'm trying to ask, seeing as how you're all from in the middle of them (or Harry and Hermione, at least, I suppose Ron's from after they're over) is have any of you read them?

June 24th, 2013

Filtered to "HP" People

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[ooc: Pretend this was many hours ago and that I was actually online, etc]

Seeing as there is a series of books and, apparently, films with our lives presented, I imagine my secret is more than a bit out. That being said, I will, obviously, not be home tonight so should anyone be looking for me, don't panic. It isn't a "Seal" thing. I will return in the morning just as soon as I am able.

June 20th, 2013

No evil

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James is gone. His room is empty.

June 12th, 2013

Filtered against evil and FN vampires

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Hope I did that right
Is this how I

Hello, I'm new around here, and trying to get a hang of this. Someone showed me how to do this and said I might be able to find people I know on here. I didn't see a list anywhere so hopefully if I write something it'll work. It sounds awfully unlikely, but: anyone who knows someone called Tonks who's from London and has pink hair, that's me, so let me know, yeah? It would be really nice to see a familiar face.

Also if anyone's found a wand I've lost something rather important and I’d like to get it back. Is there a lost and found somewhere? Worth a try, anyway...

June 9th, 2013

Filtered against FN vampires and evil

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Awhile back, we discussed upping the wards on the Complex and other buildings that have public places that are quite vulnerable to vampire attack. I think we should do it. Anyone who would like to add their expertise please do so, but here is what I was able to come up with.

I was going over a few of the spells from my world but they have some rather harsh consequences. Protego Maximum would create an impenetrable barrier from the vampires and cause them to disintegrate if they tried to touch it but I fear it would do the same to anyone else. Protego Totalum may be a way to conceal the complex, but I feel that may be more useful for beings that do not already know its location.

We could always do the Caterwauling charm. It’d give us some sort of warning if they do come near if I can manipulate it to suit your needs and not go off when anyone approaches. There are a number of other spells to put in place in case an intruder comes forth that may work.

What do you think?

May 29th, 2013

No evil

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Sometimes I hate the Seal.

[Filtered to Potters]

I miss Tonks.

[Filtered to Hal]

So you know, Tonks has been sent back by the Seal, but I still have every intention of keeping on with our plans to help you.

How are you doing?

May 11th, 2013

ETA: Filtered against evil, Hal/Lord Harry, Mitchell, and Superman

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Why am I still here?

Hello, I'm done here. I want to go home, get it over with.


Filtered to Harry Potter!

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All right?

May 9th, 2013

filtered against lucifer and lord harry

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Has anyone seen Hermione? I can't even
Can this end yet??

May 8th, 2013

magic filter plus lydia

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We've got something. It took us all night but we've got a location. A neighborhood in [location] she better be alive
if she isn
I'll kill him
I'm going now, anyone who wants to come hurry up or I'll leave without you.

It's not going to work. He wants you and Lydia, no deal. Come with us though?

Lord Harry

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You win.

May 7th, 2013

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[Magical Filter plus Lydia can see as well minus Lily and Lord Harry just incase.]
Hermione's had a brilliant idea, but we're going to need a bit of help here. Lawrence is too big to cover on our own. We're going to try something different. See where magic can't go since spells aren't working. Sort of a magical map. Might give us a lead as to he's got Lily. Meeting at our house for anyone willing. [address] Get here as soon as you can.

[Filtered to someone named Alex]
He's asked for you in her place. I duno what else to do here, I tried to get him to trade something not human. I didn't mean for anyone else to get involved because of this. We've got another thing we're going to try magically.

Ron and Hermione

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It's been too long.

May 1st, 2013

Filtered against Lucifer

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I am hurt. Hurt.

You know the filtering works better when I don't have one of your own, right?

I was just going to kill her, but that's far too easy. Figured out who it is yet?

Filtered against Hal Yorke

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[Edit add sometime after noonish no Lucifers]
Where the hell is she? Lily Potter.

[Texts and post both sent]
Lily, answer this now. I don't care what you're doing just-please.

[Wizards -oh fine "HP" wizards']

Check in with me.

April 29th, 2013

Magic Users

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Got a new project for us, guys. Hal Yorke, any of you know him? Well, he's asked us to look into sort of supressing a side of him that would be bad for us to meet. He's a vampire, said in his world he's called an Old One. Anyway, basically, for some reason, time cycles out this whole other personality for him, real nasty sort, all killing and maiming for the fun and such. He wants to find a way to suppress that part of him. Says he's talked to every sort of magic user in his world and the best shot lasted about a decade and even that didn't stick in the end.

I know Lilu brought up the idea of protection magic, protecting himself and us from this other part of him is kind of the goal so I think she's got a good point on that.

I was sort of thinking along the lines of charming something to help with it, sort of like the anti-possession amulets.

Thoughts, ideas? Something for us to toss round at the next meeting or something, yeah?

(ETA!) [Hal]
Got a couple questions for you, mate. Things that came up in discussions and such that I wasn't entirely sure how to answer that might help us figure some things out.

Any guesses on about how long this current cycle's been going, mate?

Does anything trigger a change in the cycles or do they happen by whims?

How do you become a vampire in your world?

What does it mean to be a vampire in your world?

[ooc: handwave, handwave, all prior comments under main filter, etc...]

April 21st, 2013

Filtered to Anyone With Future Children (Except Peter P.)

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How do you handle the whole future child thing? I mean, am I supposed to worry because I am. What am I supposed to do?


Do you think meeting up with...our son him and showing him the powers that you have would do anything? I mean would he believe that at all you think? Or maybe if we can tell him something from our pasts that no one should know...no, then he'd just thing we got it out of his head.

I wonder if, scientifically there is a way that we could block telepaths and then prove it somehow.

This is just confusing and I'm worried about the kid because he's stubborn and he's in danger.

[Ben Parker]

I know I'm probably the person you least want to talk to right now, but I only want a few minutes for now.

Is there any way to block a telepath from reading a person's mind that we could do in order to prove that we're who we say we are? If that would reassure you? We could do it, do whatever it is that blocks them and answer anything that would give you proof?

You have every right to be skeptical and every right to be wary of this entire situation it's really smart of you, but it's dangerous here. When I first got here demons were attacking and had possessed people and it's scary stuff. You don't know all of the stuff that you're facing here. And if you're anything like Peter you're going to be stubborn about all of this, I know, but for the sake of me not eating pounds upon pounds of chocolate...work with us to figure out a way to prove it? Then you could feel better about moving into the complex where you'd be safe?


April 18th, 2013

no evil

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