War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



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April 24th, 2015

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I'm Barry Allen. I'm not going to make any Toto jokes because you guys probably get those a lot. But I'm here and I don't know how I got here and if someone could tell me that, it'd be good.

February 26th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine, Jimmy

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I don't know how many people Dick and Jason are friends with here, but they're okay. They beat the hell out of each other with Jason resorting to shooting at Dick but they'll both recover with where I put them if Jason hasn't left already.

And if there's any confusion, yes, they beat each other up probably over a disagreement in philosophy about how to deal with things.

Filtered against evil/Moriarty/evil vampires

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So, jobs. I need one of those. And I'm hoping somebody here will be able to help me with that. I used to work as a forensic scientist for the Central City Police Department, but you know what, I'll take anything I can get right about now. And by anything, I mean anything that isn't completely ridiculous.

February 17th, 2012

filtered against evil and Moriarty

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Woah. Go out of town for a couple days and it's Kidsplosion 2012. None of you guys are mine right? Please say no

February 7th, 2012

filtered against the evil types

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Has anyone seen Clark? He didn't show up to help me with the water bottles today.

[ooc: Moriarty, Joker, Lucifer]

Filtered against the usual suspects*.

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All right.

Who sent the clowns?

[ooc: *Joker, Moriarty, Katherine, Lucifer, etc.]

February 6th, 2012

filtered to Barry?

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Do you recognize
Um, not sure if you recognize me but name's Kon. I heard you were around here somewhere.

February 5th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer, the Joker, Katherine, and Moriarty.

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Has anyone figured out a way to distribute that antidote without people turning their heads directly our way? Or is someone already distributing it?

Someone sent
It could have been anyone, but

(Filtered to Dean)
You feeling okay?

(Filtered to Ruby)
You broke my desk.

February 4th, 2012

filtered against Evil, the Joker, and Moriarty

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Ivy is setting up a Joker Anti Venom station at the complex [Address]

February 2nd, 2012

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I think it's safe to say that I'm incredibly lost/misplaced/confused/etc.

Actually, I don't think that "lost" is the right word. I'm not actually lost. I don't get lost. I'm really very directionally savvy.

Sadly, the missing cities are throwing me off here. But I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this. Right?
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