War Is Coming Communications.

August 9th, 2015

August 9th, 2015

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Not funny. Where's my new family at?? Its not the big house just a big hotel and it looks real nice and huge, big tv too. My new family better not hurt me too Umm and this aint Chicago either. Kansas? I would click heels 3x but I'm not a girl and only girls have heel red slipper shoes.

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This doesn't look like any city I've been in before. at least the natives are human

Can somebody tell me where this is? and why I can't get anyone to answer me on this thing

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This cell phone is freaking tiny, man. What's with that?

And, why the hell am I in Lawrence.

Sammy? You here?

Has anyone seen my kid brother? My dad'll kill me if I've lost him.
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