War Is Coming Communications.

July 27th, 2015

July 27th, 2015

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[Filter: Jacen Solo]
Where do I find you?

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What's going on? The bond's not- someone said you were here, but I can't feel- where are you? What the hell is going on? How did we end up in freaking Kansas?

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So for some semblence of normalcy I should probably do the whole pick out classes for my first year of college, right?

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I'm gonna miss the warehouse I hope all you new arrivals are settling in okay.

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Is people losing their damn minds a common occurrence around here or is today just special?


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I would suggest you keep your distance from Regina right now.

Particularly those from our world.

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For those of you who actually freaking remember The date auction is being postponed until August 7th. Whatever the hell the seal is up to this time, hopefully it'll be fixed by then.

If you're still normal you, do you think you can help me get the word out to the rest of the city? I know we did a lot of work promoting this, but I don't want to have to cancel last minute if this doesn't get better by Friday night.

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Hello all you fantastic people, I'm afraid I've woken up a bit amiss, has anyone seen my love or any of my brothers around here I appear to be lost in this fair and very magnificent town but had the feeling someone here might help.

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Let's see. I'm in a town with witches and demons and people get possessed. Now some people think they're something entirely different from what they were yesterday.

This doesn't feel that much different than being at home. Except there's no Golden Gate Bridge.

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I don't understand.

I wasn't due to be let out any time soon

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So this is an interesting development, a moment ago it was light and now its dark. I had no idea my meditation could be so realistic. But why do I get the feeling this is not actually in my mind but something else....
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