War Is Coming Communications.

July 24th, 2015

July 24th, 2015

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Hey soooo....I'm at the graveyard. Not just me either.

And Aria, Em. You're gonna laugh. Or hit me. But I have no idea how I got here and when I came to I'd been digging.

Karmas a bitch.

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This seems close enough to a datapad I think I can manage it. Mara said I could post to this and meet others who are in a similar situation - having been pulled from their homes and brought here.

My name is Danni Quee, I just arrived and I've got a question or two or three, but they'll wait till I'm a bit more familiar with the terrain, I suppose. In the meantime, I truly cannot sleep - I suppose galaxy jumping would do that for you.

What is the most useful piece of advice you can give me about settling in here? And is anyone here a scientist? I'm curious if there is any use for my astronomy knowledge here where the stars look all different.
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