War Is Coming Communications.

May 22nd, 2015

May 22nd, 2015

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I hate this time of year. Remembering all of the friends I lost.

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Anyone know of tun things to do Memorial Day weekend?

You and I are going out this weekend and getting away from wedding planning for a bit. No arguments. :)

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What is this Memorial Day about? Most people seem to be celebrating it with feasts.

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So. I'm thinking a party of some kind is in order for the holiday weekend.

What do you think? Host a party at Verdant? Have half the proceeds go to a charity for veterans?

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( VA Verse + Other Friends )
If you didn't already see, me and Dimitri are off on a monster hunt. Try not to get in too much trouble while we're away.

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I think I'm going to take up archery lessons. It's something I haven't really been able to devote time to before.

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I am told Monday is a day to honor those who have fallen in the line of duty. I approve of such a day!

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Filtered to Self. Trigger Warnings: Mention of death and depression )

Happy Memorial Day Weekend.
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