War Is Coming Communications.

May 5th, 2015

War Is Coming Communications.


May 5th, 2015

Plot: Melrose Beach

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I don't understand why I've got to do this, but damn it, when I get out of here the person in charge will get a swift kick to their face.

All right, fine. So I'm a nosy one for asking questions about a world that's nothing like my own. Guess I'll do that here then, too.

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Are we talking about the people who disappeared or what's happening? Do we know?

Filtered to Mona

Judging by how strange things like this seem to happen regularly, it does make me wonder if it's changed the psyche of the people gathered here.

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I never thought I'd say this, but at least with Abeloth you knew what crazy to expect.

You haven't televisioned too, have you?

Filtered against known threats.

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Gotta love waking up to a small child dangling a cat over your head in a poor attempt to reenact the Lion King.
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