War Is Coming Communications.

February 2015
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08:05 am: [info]agelessbeauty No evil - 48 comments
03:37 pm: [info]love_running (no subject) - 30 comments
08:16 pm: [info]betterthanmost No evil
11:32 am: [info]neverfit (no subject) - 16 comments
01:34 pm: [info]imnotlegolas No evil - 5 comments
01:13 am: [info]thismanofhonor (no subject) - 23 comments
06:59 am: [info]hottestalpha (no subject) - 15 comments
09:10 am: [info]wontthinktwice (no subject) - 18 comments
11:40 am: [info]neverfit (no subject) - 20 comments
11:56 am: [info]lastnoteinasong (no subject) - 21 comments
12:06 pm: [info]thesucesspie Hal, Annie and Alex - 3 comments
12:11 pm: [info]littlequeen No known Threats - 16 comments
12:37 pm: [info]weasleychick (no subject) - 4 comments
05:28 pm: [info]thatlanewit (no subject) - 18 comments
05:41 pm: [info]demiurge (no subject) - 16 comments
06:05 pm: [info]notanidjit No evil - 19 comments
06:13 pm: [info]notpureofheart Friends of Regina - 5 comments
06:15 pm: [info]ofsternerstuff (no subject) - 6 comments
06:24 pm: [info]captcasanova Friends Filter - 27 comments
06:27 pm: [info]agelessbeauty (no subject) - 82 comments
08:28 pm: [info]thisgrlisonfire (no subject) - 11 comments
09:11 pm: [info]weasleychick (no subject) - 8 comments
02:25 am: [info]commanderrogers (no subject) - 83 comments
05:44 am: [info]agelessbeauty Texts to Lexi - 2 comments
09:24 am: [info]dontwanttogo (no subject) - 18 comments
10:22 am: [info]aliciabspinnet (no subject) - 14 comments
10:55 am: [info]hrafna_floke Backdated to 3rd Feb, during the storm - 10 comments
12:24 pm: [info]lildampeer (no subject) - 27 comments
12:52 pm: [info]someonehasto (no subject) - 31 comments
01:04 pm: [info]dissectsthings Texts to Skye - 3 comments
01:49 pm: [info]hrafna_floke (no subject) - 7 comments
02:39 pm: [info]salad_trident no mean people - 21 comments
05:57 pm: [info]ofsternerstuff (no subject) - 9 comments
06:01 pm: [info]fightcompulsion (no subject) - 6 comments
06:12 pm: [info]lady_ivashkov (no subject) - 7 comments
06:37 pm: [info]vagueambition (no subject) - 40 comments
07:33 pm: [info]ex_the_kenzi392 Filtered from evil bitches. - 7 comments
10:04 pm: [info]faceofbo (no subject) - 14 comments
12:37 pm: [info]savedfromhell (no subject) - 14 comments
10:47 pm: [info]floatsfeathers (no subject) - 21 comments
09:55 am: [info]tylerose (no subject) - 51 comments
10:04 am: [info]fearlesslamb (no subject) - 37 comments
10:23 am: [info]millinery (no subject) - 25 comments
11:25 am: [info]lastnoteinasong Friends Filter - 5 comments
01:34 pm: [info]lildampeer (no subject) - 29 comments
03:33 pm: [info]originalfangs (no subject) - 126 comments
06:25 pm: [info]feelingepic (no subject) - 143 comments
06:25 pm: [info]someonehasto Texts to Elena - 5 comments
08:44 pm: [info]betterthanmost No evil - 6 comments
09:16 pm: [info]fightcompulsion (no subject) - 47 comments
12:11 am: [info]rouxgaroux (no subject) - 96 comments
08:43 am: [info]thelasttoknow (no subject) - 89 comments
09:03 am: [info]braveorselfless No known Threats - 31 comments
11:59 am: [info]heelsoverhoodie (no subject) - 22 comments
06:04 pm: [info]vagueambition (no subject) - 22 comments
06:51 pm: [info]drinkingproblem (no subject) - 89 comments
06:59 pm: [info]ofsternerstuff (no subject) - 8 comments
11:07 pm: [info]faceofbo (no subject)
10:54 am: [info]diedtooyoung (no subject) - 16 comments
01:34 pm: [info]deservedbetter (no subject) - 20 comments
04:39 pm: [info]pprkr (no subject) - 59 comments
09:21 pm: [info]imherwatcher [No Threats] - 26 comments
09:33 pm: [info]floatsfeathers (no subject) - 32 comments
11:02 pm: [info]frostandsnow (no subject) - 47 comments
11:29 am: [info]salad_trident (no subject) - 33 comments
11:42 am: [info]dissectsthings (no subject) - 50 comments
02:13 pm: [info]thelasttoknow No known Threats - 43 comments
05:02 pm: [info]notanidjit No kids - 66 comments
07:16 pm: [info]eatsfaces (no subject) - 43 comments
08:41 pm: [info]bookishy Filtered to Peeta Mellark - 6 comments
09:11 pm: [info]youliedtome Texts to Damon; - 8 comments
09:22 pm: [info]choosestolive (no subject) - 29 comments
09:29 pm: [info]saviorofolympus (no subject) - 13 comments
09:31 pm: [info]knowsitall (no subject) - 8 comments
09:32 pm: [info]cheekybastard (no subject) - 107 comments
05:59 am: [info]agelessbeauty [Friends and various Mikaelsons, no Henrik] - 44 comments
08:47 am: [info]vagueambition (no subject) - 2 comments
06:51 pm: [info]thatlanewit Evil be gone - 15 comments
08:33 pm: [info]stucklikeagirl (no subject) - 56 comments
02:27 am: [info]notanazi Filtered from SHIELD people - 48 comments
09:45 pm: [info]ofsternerstuff (no subject) - 24 comments
10:41 pm: [info]bansheeinheels (no subject) - 22 comments
12:15 am: [info]knowsitall (no subject) - 2 comments
12:19 am: [info]choosestolive (no subject) - 12 comments
12:50 am: [info]watchtowerqueen No Evil - 16 comments
04:02 am: [info]betterthanmost No evil or kids - 2 comments
06:13 am: [info]_bornofajackal No evil, children, monsters, or Heaven
08:30 am: [info]oyspaceman (no subject) - 26 comments
10:05 am: [info]rouxgaroux (no subject) - 26 comments
03:13 pm: [info]aliciabspinnet (no subject) - 12 comments
05:23 pm: [info]notanidjit (no subject)
06:25 pm: [info]dontwanttogo (no subject) - 14 comments
06:31 pm: [info]fightcompulsion No known Threats - 21 comments
06:33 pm: [info]bansheeinheels No known Threats - 20 comments
08:05 pm: [info]youliedtome (no subject) - 57 comments
08:43 pm: [info]wildpowerwitch (no subject) - 14 comments
10:15 pm: [info]vagueambition (no subject) - 6 comments
10:27 pm: [info]someonehasto Filtered to Kol
10:31 pm: [info]savedfromhell Filtered to Sarah Manning - 10 comments
10:35 pm: [info]youliedtome Jacen Solo - 2 comments
01:00 am: [info]suburbsclone Filtered from bad things. - 3 comments
01:15 am: [info]faceofbo [No Threats] - 18 comments
01:24 am: [info]ex_the_kenzi392 Filtered against evil bitches! - 36 comments
02:46 am: [info]needstheroutine (no subject) - 6 comments
06:23 am: [info]_bornofajackal No evil - 2 comments
09:59 am: [info]thisgrlisonfire (no subject) - 8 comments
04:30 pm: [info]fearlesslamb (no subject) - 8 comments
05:13 pm: [info]justlykbudapest (no subject) - 9 comments
07:02 pm: [info]imherwatcher (no subject) - 14 comments
08:10 pm: [info]banner (no subject) - 2 comments
08:35 pm: [info]captcasanova Harry Potter People - 14 comments
11:02 pm: [info]salad_trident (no subject) - 9 comments
11:36 am: [info]bookishy Anastasia Tremaine - 2 comments
12:01 pm: [info]captcasanova (no subject)
02:20 pm: [info]ex_savior698 Filtered to Lois. - 7 comments
04:22 pm: [info]imherwatcher (no subject)
01:10 am: [info]ofsternerstuff (no subject) - 17 comments
06:19 am: [info]betterthanmost No evil - 6 comments
01:03 pm: [info]notanidjit (no subject)
08:50 pm: [info]niblet (no subject) - 1 comment
09:25 pm: [info]thesucesspie No Known Threats and Hal - 11 comments
10:47 pm: [info]justlykbudapest (no subject) - 14 comments
06:32 am: [info]_bornofajackal (no subject)
09:59 am: [info]agelessbeauty No evil...is this filter even necessary anymore - 76 comments
11:53 pm: [info]arme (no subject) - 13 comments
12:23 pm: [info]notdying4creds (no subject) - 9 comments
02:07 pm: [info]halfterran (no subject) - 22 comments
02:28 pm: [info]captcasanova (no subject) - 24 comments
03:19 pm: [info]littlewitch (no subject) - 49 comments
03:22 pm: [info]ex_agentnine95 (no subject) - 62 comments
03:33 pm: [info]hrafna_floke (no subject) - 17 comments
04:11 pm: [info]imnotamish (no subject) - 85 comments
04:49 pm: [info]southerndeath (no subject) - 15 comments
05:16 pm: [info]magicprankster (no subject) - 42 comments
10:36 pm: [info]thisgrlisonfire (no subject) - 9 comments
01:22 am: [info]removedhisheart (no subject) - 45 comments
02:25 pm: [info]bookishy Filtered from threats and Fred Weasley - he doesn't need this immediately after arriving - 7 comments
02:45 am: [info]doaspeggysays (no subject) - 45 comments
02:25 pm: [info]bansheeinheels (no subject) - 7 comments
07:36 pm: [info]agelessbeauty No Ward, No Skye - 29 comments
09:16 pm: [info]disappointeddad (no subject) - 156 comments
09:50 pm: [info]ofdelphi (no subject) - 12 comments
09:58 pm: [info]wannabebadass (no subject) - 41 comments
12:10 am: [info]lildampeer (no subject) - 8 comments
01:46 am: [info]ignobility (no subject) - 28 comments
02:31 am: [info]notanazi Filtered from SHIELD people - 51 comments
10:06 am: [info]drinkingproblem No evil. - 25 comments
03:40 pm: [info]lildampeer (no subject) - 51 comments
04:06 pm: [info]mostresilient Friends* - 10 comments
05:34 pm: [info]juniorthunderer Evil is not welcome - 17 comments
07:03 pm: [info]thunder_girl (no subject) - 33 comments
09:47 pm: [info]littlewitch (no subject) - 6 comments
10:10 pm: [info]shieldandstar (no subject) - 62 comments
12:32 am: [info]selfloathing (no subject) - 25 comments
12:41 am: [info]neverfit (no subject) - 228 comments
10:16 am: [info]avenging_son Filtered away from Evil and Steve Rogers - 14 comments
11:55 am: [info]savedfromhell No Known Threats - 39 comments
03:25 pm: [info]lostfaith (no subject) - 6 comments
03:35 pm: [info]willbestrong (no subject) - 21 comments
07:41 pm: [info]rouxgaroux Filter to: Klaus, visible to Cami as well - 19 comments
09:07 pm: [info]someonehasto Filtered to Elena - 13 comments
10:34 pm: [info]thelasttoknow (no subject) - 20 comments
12:50 am: [info]disappointeddad (no subject) - 8 comments
05:52 pm: [info]thirdcharmed (no subject) - 29 comments
09:19 pm: [info]lildampeer (no subject) - 11 comments
10:09 pm: [info]drinkingproblem (no subject) - 12 comments
10:34 pm: [info]needstheroutine Filtered from Tom - 13 comments
10:54 am: [info]notpureofheart (no subject) - 20 comments
11:34 am: [info]dontwanttogo (no subject) - 10 comments
12:43 pm: [info]littlewitch [Flitered to Regina] - 1 comment
03:36 pm: [info]imnotamish (no subject) - 40 comments
04:03 pm: [info]feelingepic (no subject) - 51 comments
04:42 pm: [info]lord_ivashkov (no subject) - 35 comments
04:50 pm: [info]imnotlegolas (no subject) - 9 comments
04:59 pm: [info]imnotrobinhood (no subject) - 12 comments
05:25 pm: [info]someonehasto Filtered to Klaus - 2 comments
11:08 pm: [info]ignobility (no subject) - 19 comments
12:01 am: [info]justagirl (no subject) - 19 comments
01:07 am: [info]salad_trident (no subject) - 6 comments
05:28 pm: [info]someonehasto Filtered to Stefan and Ric - 15 comments
07:07 pm: [info]captcasanova (no subject) - 39 comments
07:29 pm: [info]ofsternerstuff (no subject) - 3 comments
10:12 pm: [info]everymansdream (no subject) - 16 comments
10:31 am: [info]cooltshirtbro (no subject) - 5 comments
02:42 pm: [info]lastzehoberi (no subject) - 17 comments
04:19 pm: [info]woodensoldier (no subject) - 28 comments
05:57 pm: [info]ex_the_kenzi392 Filtered against evil bitches! - 68 comments
08:20 pm: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered from known threats. - 93 comments
08:45 pm: [info]ofdelphi (no subject) - 20 comments
12:47 am: [info]halfterran (no subject) - 32 comments
03:49 am: [info]betterthanmost No evil - 6 comments
04:10 am: [info]_bornofajackal No known threats or kids - 12 comments
10:46 am: [info]howcouldiask No Known Threats - 21 comments
11:17 am: [info]thesucesspie No Evil and Mean People
07:44 pm: [info]captcasanova (no subject) - 15 comments
11:23 pm: [info]alittletoococky (no subject) - 22 comments
12:09 am: [info]iwearnomask (no subject) - 59 comments
04:53 am: [info]merlinspants Filtered against evil. And spiders. - 51 comments
10:50 am: [info]fruityoatybars (no subject) - 15 comments
02:00 pm: [info]dissectsthings No Known Threats - 35 comments
04:04 pm: [info]onetothestate (no subject) - 9 comments
09:21 pm: [info]firemagic (no subject) - 3 comments
10:01 pm: [info]allhaletheash (no subject) - 7 comments
11:06 pm: [info]therebelleader (no subject) - 14 comments
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