War Is Coming Communications.

November 5th, 2014

November 5th, 2014

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Right, then.

My wife and I, we arrived about a week and a bit ago. Done our best to things sorted for ourselves but -- here we are, and we could possibly use a place to stay, just until we find something.

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So if I were to look into finding a place where I could teach dance classes, such as swing and salsa, would anyone on this network be interested in taking them?

Hey. So Christmas is coming up. If I get us a tree, do you promise not to burn this one down like you did mine last year?

Filtered Against People Who Are Dicks, and Sanderson Witches

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I'm sure you'll all be very disappointed to find out that my voice was back this morning. So, screw you all.

[Filtered to Vicki]

I apologize for being a dick yesterday. You didn't deserve that.

Start over?


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[Voice to text]

Uh Sage? Lil help?
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