War Is Coming Communications.

August 15th, 2014

August 15th, 2014

Filtered to Kol Mikaelson

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I am flailing here, like utterly flailing, in a needing my BFF's help kind of way!

I sort of did a thing. And it was a good thing. But possibly not a good thing. I don't know if it was a good thing, I need you to tell me!

I may have possibly slightly a little bit hooked up with Marcel last night.

No Evil, no vampires

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I think I need to get out and about during daylight more often. Has anyone ever hit up the local weekend farmer's market? Anyone feel like coming with on Saturday morning?

friends filter

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I still don't feel like me lately
How long will it take?

Apparently I need daily goals beyond just waking up to function. I'll confess, lately I've not been feeling right again. I just have no idea what those goals should be.

No Evil

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I'm sorry to anyone who had befriended him, but it seems the Seal has taken Grantaire again. And he'sto return to die and again, it remains my fault

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Oh. I guess I went away and came back.

Hello! Eponine? Enjolras? You had better still be here! Are you married yet? Did I miss it?

KOL! Where are you?! I'm starving.

No evil

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Looking for a place where Sydney and I can stay. Please. She also needs someone medical to look her over. She's been a prisoner for about two months.
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