War Is Coming Communications.

August 1st, 2014

August 1st, 2014

No evil bros/bad Heavely sorts/under 16s because slightly NSFW

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Can't say I'd feel too comforted to find this note from a house-sitter...Read more... )

No Evil like.

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Ey up, Lawrence.

Today is Yorkshire Day. The official day to celebrate all things from Gods own county.

So, find yourself some Yorkshire Tea, a pint of propah ale and some good old Yorkshire puds.

Also, to help you properly celebrate, here's a guide on how to speak raight propah like.

Heaven and Hell Be Gone

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So, say I'm trying to make a feel good/cheer me up playlist...

What are some good suggestions to throw on there? General good upbeat dancing music is also accepted.


So, going to go ahead and assume you went through the missing home thing? How long did it take before it felt like here was home for you?

Because right now I'm still feeling kind of alien, or something. And missing Jeremy. I have no idea if you knew about that or not, but I can't say it to Elena because beyond awkward
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