War Is Coming Communications.

August 2014
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05:42 am: [info]knocknockclauds No evil bros/bad Heavely sorts/under 16s because slightly NSFW - 14 comments
12:55 pm: [info]thesucesspie No Evil like. - 10 comments
09:24 pm: [info]littlewitchy Heaven and Hell Be Gone - 46 comments
02:25 am: [info]plusone No Apocalypse Starters! - 59 comments
01:25 pm: [info]believesownlies No evil/Bad heaven - 160 comments
05:22 pm: [info]thismanofhonor No Evil/Heaven/Lingering Loyalists - 14 comments
07:54 am: [info]itchtokill No evil or bad Heaven - 33 comments
01:29 pm: [info]diedtooyoung (no subject) - 79 comments
02:16 pm: [info]silverarcher House filter - 44 comments
08:11 pm: [info]action_man No evil/heaven - 16 comments
11:26 pm: [info]thismanofhonor filtered from chilren 15 and under - 18 comments
10:04 am: [info]humanitytorn (no subject) - 9 comments
10:13 am: [info]agelessbeauty (no subject) - 92 comments
10:19 am: [info]anyotherplan No known threats - 23 comments
11:40 am: [info]notachesspiece No Evil, No Heaven - 25 comments
02:20 pm: [info]vagueambition (no subject) - 8 comments
04:06 pm: [info]ofsternerstuff Friends - 19 comments
06:23 pm: [info]geekyclone No evil/heaven - 40 comments
06:49 pm: [info]stucklikethis Sent to Grant Ward - 32 comments
06:53 pm: [info]avenging_son No evil/Apocalypse wanters...or anyone under 15 - 16 comments
08:59 pm: [info]plusone TARDIS Family - 32 comments
09:09 pm: [info]unginger (no subject) - 23 comments
11:21 pm: [info]salad_trident No Mean People - 28 comments
12:01 am: [info]yesgenius (no subject) - 66 comments
07:41 am: [info]nightwingingit Claire C - 4 comments
12:03 pm: [info]onetothestate (no subject) - 23 comments
01:53 pm: [info]notanazi (no subject) - 49 comments
04:45 pm: [info]hottestalpha Mercy, Werewolves, Magic Users - 17 comments
05:34 pm: [info]imnotlegolas Apocalypse starters can go away now. Also no evil - 7 comments
08:03 pm: [info]youclevergirl (no subject) - 14 comments
10:53 pm: [info]justlykbudapest (no subject) - 10 comments
11:20 pm: [info]sinbroker (no subject) - 40 comments
11:33 pm: [info]salad_trident No Evil/Heaven - 47 comments
11:47 pm: [info]someonehasto Ward - 29 comments
12:02 am: [info]diedtooyoung Nik - 31 comments
09:37 am: [info]leconnortemple No Evil Etc - 26 comments
11:27 am: [info]humanitytorn Bonnie - 8 comments
11:56 am: [info]itchtokill (no subject) - 23 comments
08:56 pm: [info]ofsternerstuff (no subject) - 21 comments
05:28 am: [info]notyourpuppet Marcel - 2 comments
11:32 am: [info]cleverthorn No known threats - 16 comments
12:15 pm: [info]needstheroutine (no subject) - 14 comments
12:22 pm: [info]someonehasto No known threats, whatever dicks those are nowadays. And no Lee. - 57 comments
01:24 pm: [info]agelessbeauty (no subject) - 69 comments
03:29 pm: [info]cadoexvenia Gabriel - 10 comments
05:21 pm: [info]ripefruit no heaven, no hell - 28 comments
07:28 pm: [info]merlinspants Filtered from HP kids. - 18 comments
11:40 pm: [info]ofsternerstuff Texts To Khan - 6 comments
12:10 am: [info]salad_trident Texts to Anastasia - 3 comments
10:19 am: [info]phoenixmetaphor No Evil douchbags - 13 comments
04:15 pm: [info]magicdestroys Filtered to Dad and Belle - 11 comments
06:09 pm: [info]mostresilient Katherine & Elijah - 13 comments
06:55 pm: [info]captcasanova (no subject) - 8 comments
09:03 pm: [info]alwaysinthesun (no subject) - 39 comments
12:23 am: [info]silverarcher (no subject) - 15 comments
11:39 am: [info]itchtokill Bekah/Elijah/Crowley/Anna - 2 comments
03:48 pm: [info]agelessbeauty (no subject) - 67 comments
05:17 pm: [info]phoenixmetaphor No Evil douchebags - 20 comments
07:54 am: [info]agelessbeauty (no subject) - 29 comments
12:22 pm: [info]captcasanova (no subject)
01:20 pm: [info]onetothestate Kira - 17 comments
03:09 pm: [info]humanitytorn Henrick - 25 comments
05:02 pm: [info]thismanofhonor (no subject) - 5 comments
09:19 pm: [info]lastnoteinasong Filtered to Alex Miller - 7 comments
11:05 am: [info]someonehasto No known threats, whatever dicks those are nowadays. And no Lee. - 28 comments
11:24 am: [info]notanazi Stark - 4 comments
11:33 am: [info]roseredvampire (no subject) - 16 comments
12:15 pm: [info]yesgenius (no subject) - 44 comments
12:29 pm: [info]hasherwhims (no subject) - 58 comments
04:13 pm: [info]ofsternerstuff Friends Filter - 8 comments
06:20 pm: [info]looklikeahero Accidental Voice Post - 55 comments
02:56 am: [info]notyourpuppet No evil/bad heaven - 25 comments
12:34 pm: [info]vexyandiknowit (no subject) - 2 comments
12:47 pm: [info]diedtooyoung (no subject) - 131 comments
03:14 pm: [info]vagueambition (no subject) - 41 comments
08:24 pm: [info]yesgenius No evil. - 21 comments
11:03 pm: [info]suburbsclone Filtered from Kira Manning. - 38 comments
01:23 pm: [info]notanazi Simmons - 8 comments
02:01 pm: [info]leconnortemple No Evil Thingies - 14 comments
04:56 pm: [info]phoenixmetaphor Avengers Warehouse - 13 comments
07:03 pm: [info]silverarcher Scott
10:14 pm: [info]imnotlegolas Locked to Natasha - 4 comments
01:12 am: [info]stucklikethis Filtered to Kol Mikaelson - 19 comments
03:42 am: [info]smokingmagician No Evil, no vampires - 5 comments
08:37 am: [info]nightwingingit friends filter - 15 comments
09:03 am: [info]decidewhoweare No Evil - 125 comments
05:32 pm: [info]onlygoestoshow (no subject) - 109 comments
09:18 pm: [info]lord_ivashkov No evil - 34 comments
12:54 am: [info]withgunsdrawn nope evil no kids - 10 comments
10:17 am: [info]stucklikethis Filtered to Marcel Gerard - 8 comments
10:31 am: [info]juniorthunderer (no subject) - 64 comments
02:04 pm: [info]smokingmagician (no subject) - 16 comments
02:31 pm: [info]lady_ivashkov No evil... - 26 comments
03:34 pm: [info]youliedtome Phone call to Damon - 4 comments
05:08 pm: [info]howcouldiask (no subject) - 62 comments
05:37 pm: [info]thismanofhonor Private to Katherine - 12 comments
07:12 pm: [info]ofsternerstuff (no subject) - 15 comments
08:29 pm: [info]captcasanova (no subject) - 35 comments
10:55 pm: [info]hottestalpha Werewolves and Mercy - 21 comments
12:21 am: [info]needstheroutine Filtered to Katherine - 27 comments
01:24 am: [info]anyotherplan Filtered against Sydney and Adrian - 11 comments
11:15 am: [info]subtletrick Mother - 8 comments
01:18 pm: [info]enjoytheadorbs (no subject) - 38 comments
02:14 pm: [info]onelittlekiss Texts to Rebekah Salvatore - 5 comments
06:11 pm: [info]alphadaughter No evil jerks of either variety - 17 comments
01:42 am: [info]frostandsnow No Evil/Heaven - 33 comments
05:47 am: [info]robinofthehood (no subject) - 66 comments
09:18 am: [info]agelessbeauty (no subject) - 115 comments
01:28 pm: [info]boywhobelieves Graham and Neal - 22 comments
09:23 pm: [info]notmypast Evil and Bad Things Can Go Away - 41 comments
10:14 pm: [info]itchtokill No loyalists/backwards Heaven - 80 comments
11:15 pm: [info]thesucesspie Filtered to Hunter type people, but no vampires - 19 comments
09:48 am: [info]monkeybumface (no subject) - 59 comments
10:01 am: [info]hrosha_gul (no subject) - 7 comments
10:47 am: [info]needstheroutine Filtered to Catherine - 10 comments
11:54 am: [info]intheblack Becker - 11 comments
12:52 pm: [info]notanazi Filtered from overdramatic angels and lucifer worshipping demons - 6 comments
12:52 pm: [info]enjoytheadorbs Friends - 16 comments
10:04 pm: [info]nightwingingit Robin - 12 comments
11:45 pm: [info]plusone No Evil Etc - 59 comments
12:51 am: [info]mamavincent No evil/bad Heaven - 17 comments
09:32 am: [info]onetothestate To all those who helped Kira with book suggestions - 4 comments
12:11 pm: [info]humanitytorn Filtered from Henrik - 13 comments
04:06 pm: [info]captcasanova Shire Filter - 87 comments
06:51 pm: [info]hopefollows Sunnydale Filter - 25 comments
08:16 pm: [info]justlykbudapest Weeping Angel House Filter - 25 comments
08:52 pm: [info]ofsternerstuff Hogwarts Filter - 35 comments
09:03 pm: [info]lord_ivashkov Lawrence - 8 comments
09:10 pm: [info]avenging_son Lawrence - 4 comments
10:53 pm: [info]respondedinkind Panem Filter - 86 comments
11:03 pm: [info]plusone Angel Grove Filter - 46 comments
11:09 pm: [info]juniorthunderer Lawrence - 20 comments
11:37 pm: [info]howcouldiask Lawrence Filter - 16 comments
12:13 am: [info]vagueambition (no subject) - 10 comments
10:22 am: [info]loveishope Neverland Filter - 19 comments
11:28 am: [info]stormrageon Tortuga Filter - 23 comments
12:40 pm: [info]howcouldiask Filtered to Hal - 5 comments
02:18 pm: [info]robinofthehood Lawrence - 12 comments
03:05 pm: [info]dissectsthings Weeping Angel House Filter - 14 comments
05:20 pm: [info]goodoldjk Hogwarts Filter - 32 comments
08:13 pm: [info]little_ozzo Tortuga Filter - 45 comments
10:50 pm: [info]lostfairytale Lawrence Filter - 10 comments
11:50 am: [info]mamavincent Sunnydale - 16 comments
06:32 pm: [info]thismanofhonor Panem Filter - 9 comments
09:58 pm: [info]someonehasto Weeping Angel House Filter - 10 comments
09:47 am: [info]itchtokill Lawrence - No evil&such - 31 comments
11:07 am: [info]couldntkillme Shire Filter - 27 comments
12:23 pm: [info]decidewhoweare Neverland Filter - 37 comments
05:25 pm: [info]thatlanewit Shire filter - 12 comments
07:55 pm: [info]vagueambition Panem Filter - 10 comments
05:24 am: [info]plusone Angel Grove Filter - 19 comments
07:49 am: [info]hisreasontohunt Tortuga Filter - 20 comments
02:36 pm: [info]mrs_locksley Hogwarts Filter - 2 comments
08:21 pm: [info]notachesspiece Lawrence Filter - 20 comments
06:01 pm: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Hogwarts filter! - 100 comments
07:24 pm: [info]ourstrangeduet Angel Grove Filter - 4 comments
11:32 pm: [info]vagueambition Panem Filter - 92 comments
11:59 am: [info]goodoldjk Hogwarts Filter - 30 comments
06:54 pm: [info]agelessbeauty Sunnydale filter - 16 comments
08:56 pm: [info]someonehasto Weeping Angel House Filter - 6 comments
11:01 pm: [info]subtletrick Panem Filter - 25 comments
12:30 am: [info]teensupes Angel Grove filter. - 24 comments
12:36 am: [info]youliedtome Neverland Filter - 21 comments
05:24 am: [info]nicelyjane Lawrence filter - 13 comments
10:05 am: [info]humanitytorn Lawrence Filter - 25 comments
10:13 am: [info]loveishope Neverland filter minus Elena - 21 comments
10:17 am: [info]notuglysis Hogwarts Filter - 9 comments
01:40 pm: [info]vexyandiknowit Tortuga Filter - 8 comments
02:21 pm: [info]cadoexvenia Weeping Angel Filter - 2 comments
02:35 pm: [info]jeditraitor Angel Grove Filter - 15 comments
05:23 pm: [info]salad_trident Tortuga Filter - 10 comments
07:23 pm: [info]juniorthunderer Lawrence FIlter - 6 comments
07:49 am: [info]believesownlies Lawrence Filter - 78 comments
09:16 am: [info]enjoytheadorbs Filtered to Tom - 5 comments
09:20 am: [info]stormrageon Tortuga Filter - 23 comments
12:15 pm: [info]notanazi Panem Filter - 68 comments
01:19 pm: [info]roseredvampire Tortuga Filter - 18 comments
04:17 pm: [info]feelingepic Lawrence Filter
12:08 am: [info]plusone Angel Grove Filter - 24 comments
09:47 am: [info]onetothestate Sunnydale Filter - 15 comments
12:53 pm: [info]youclevergirl Sunnydale Filter - 6 comments
01:00 pm: [info]captcasanova Shire Filter - 15 comments
01:43 pm: [info]hrosha_gul Lawrence filter - 13 comments
02:04 pm: [info]passthehat Neverland filter - 30 comments
05:33 pm: [info]goodoldjk Hogwarts Filter - 20 comments
08:36 pm: [info]diedtooyoung Angel Grove Filter - 11 comments
04:57 am: [info]imhisblogger Angel grove - 3 comments
01:22 pm: [info]anyotherplan Sunnydale Filter minus Sarah - 5 comments
05:37 pm: [info]alphadaughter Weeping Angel filter - 8 comments
08:13 pm: [info]hottestalpha Lawrence Filter: Werewolves - 8 comments
09:53 pm: [info]katkat Hogwarts Filter - 13 comments
10:53 am: [info]dissectsthings Weeping Angel Filter - 2 comments
02:00 pm: [info]looklikeahero Lawrence filter - 11 comments
02:42 pm: [info]youliedtome Neverland filter - 25 comments
02:54 pm: [info]hasherwhims Tortuga Filter - 56 comments
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