War Is Coming Communications.

July 26th, 2014

July 26th, 2014

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I've been thinking on this for a while and I want input. With the wishes I have unlimited funds and I've been thinking of acquiring a decent amount of land, several acres or more in a heavily wooded area that's isolated as a spot where we could run and hunt on full moons or when we feel the need to. But I want everyone's input on it as well.

Am I being a bit too ambitious in wanting to acquire several acres of land or more in as an isolated area as I can find as a place for us and the other wolves here to run and hunt during fulls?

I've picked up the basic school supplies you'll need for fall.

No Heaven or Hell

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So we've been working our butts off but Jim and I have gotten permission to turn the Center's athletic field into a giant carnival for next weekend. It's going to basically be brilliant, the kids are in for a treat, and I'm super excited.

But I come to you, my dear Lawrencians, pleading for help. I need volunteers. Anyone willing to work a shift on a game, do face painting, provide entertainment. Miss Potter and Mr. Vincent, I'm looking at you two. Jim, Robin, and myself will all be taking turns in the dunk tank, because we're good sports. ....right, boys? Don't leave me hanging here!

Who's in? PLEEEEASE? See how cute I am when I beg??

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Apparently floating the kids is not okay. They love it. Allana loved it. Its entirely fine.

In other news I found a bunch of people practicing lightsaber fights in the park. Apparently for a convention. It would be wrong to teach them some of my tricks, right?


So I'm guessing its a no with your family?

Magic Users

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I have a question to put to you all. I'm working on acquiring a decent amount of land for a safe place for the werewolves to run during fulls and I wanted to know how possible it was to ward it against evil and possibly to keep humans away during full moons. Is any of that possible?
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