War Is Coming Communications.

July 9th, 2014

July 9th, 2014

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Edward was fortunate enough to inherit his mothers good looks. Unfortunately, he also inherited her lungs.

No evil/heaven

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Not filtering this from anyone else, I've done nothing to be ashamed of
Done hiding
Lexi says I filter too much, then I shall not filter
Now to find something to say

I don't really get the obsession with sports now. I remember when wars were fought with less emotion than that Brazil v Germany match last night. Can anyone explain to me when and why a game became so important to people?


I think I totally just managed to con Elijah into taking me shopping and carry my bags for me.

Can we go and do something normal? Just you and me? Pretend none of this other stuff is happening for a bit.

Filtered to magic users

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It was very interesting to meet with you all at the weekend. I should be interested to see what we could be capable of if we worked together.


I would like you to take my credit card and buy yourself the best dress you can find. Because I am taking you out for dinner. The full wining and dining experience, because you, my love, deserve it.

Filtered to Alison H

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You. Me. Gun range.

We need a catch up

no mean people

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i need a new book to read.

does any one have good ones i could try?

i read charlotte's web.

Filtered against anyone pro-Apocalypse and evil

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Can't remember the last time I felt this relaxed.

Is there anything you need before the full this weekend?

Ready to lose this weekend?

No evil/heaven that is not Anna

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How do you know if you are sick enough for a hospital?
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