War Is Coming Communications.

June 13th, 2014

June 13th, 2014

Text to Stefan Salvatore

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>> I tried.

Filtered from Evil/Heaven/Loyalists

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Well that was more fun than it should have been. We've stopped for coffee but should make it home in the next couple hours.


We brought a friend. His names Alec and he'll sing like a bird. Dunno if he knows the Alpha but he'll get you close if you apply the right pressure. I applied a fair amount though so, y'know, we could good cop bad cop it.

...do you know how to good cop?


Make fries for me. And ensure Emily is awake and huggable.

I missed you two way too much

Filtered Against Known Threats

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Thank you everyone who helped me with my research.  It was incredibly invaluable, and I think I've finally managed to fine tune my device, so that it will indeed go bing when it's in the vicinity of magic.  I'm going to look at attaching it to the TARDIS's sensors, so she can scan at a wider range, and hopefully give us a warning when the seal does some things.

Now, if anyone needs me, I'm at Disneyland with Rose and my daughter.

No evil/Heaven/Mikaelsons/Super close friends of the Mikaelsons

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So...does anyone think the Mikaelsons are going to act on any of those threats they were making? Because...I was just thinking maybe there should be plans, just in case.

Hi. We don't know each other, but we're from the same world. I was in New Orleans with the Old Ones. I'm sorry they've obviously been so terrible to you for so long. I know the feeling. I was a pawn in a lot of different little games they were playing back home. I just wanted to say I'm sorry you have to deal with that and...at least you know you're not alone here.

No Evil and No Husbands-Who-Aren't-Husbands

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Bollocks, apparently it's Father's Day. What the hell do I do?! Anything? ...nothing??

No evil/heaven

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Kriffing hell, people, I'm out of things for a few days and you all go insane.

I had babies. They're squishy.

Hospital keeps trying to give me pain meds. It's adorable.

[Caroline Forbes]

Yeah, they're doing it again. Just so you know.

Filtered from kids under 15. Over 15 they're doing it

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You're all being bloody dramatic and serious and its honestly a pile of bollocks. You're all probably as threatening as each other and I've probably killed way more people than a lot of ya but I get away with it cause I'm fun and non offensive.

Unless you're a prude like psychokiller Hendirx.

Or Dyson basically. Mayyybe Hale. I dunno how offended he is by me. BUT anyway.

I propose a good old round of shag marry kill, and yeah yeah I already filtered from the little uns.

NOW if you get whiny and dramatic on my post I will post stupid angry gifs until you go away. Or make you do the worm next time you're somewhere important. Its a toss up cause gifs take effort but I don't have a huge attention span over overarching plans.

Might just make you hit yourself.

ANYWAY. I'll start you off.

Me, Lucifer, Mel Gibson!

Have at!
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