War Is Coming Communications.

April 27th, 2014

April 27th, 2014

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Delivered to Rose Tyler )

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Thanks so much to everyone who attended the ball last night. It was a huge success, raising way more than I anticipated and the hospital is ecstatic. So the Liz Forbes Children's Ward will probably open sooner than they thought with all that was donated.

Also thank you to everyone who helped out with it. You guys were amazing.

[ooc: if yours helped out they would be receiving a basket of goodies tailored to their specific interests today!]

No Evil

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Happy Birthday, Rose Tyler!

Cake! )

Filtered to Siblings and their significant others. [Includes Henrik and Marcel--and Anna maybe?]

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So a vampire, a demon and an angel walk into a ball...

Filtered to Kol Mikaelson

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Darling brother mine.

You have some explaining to do!

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Ares loves his daddy and apparently his daddy loves him. Sorry Damon, I snuck this video when you weren't looking.

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A birthday card delivered to Rose

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Other than having the occasional drink with my fellow captains I don't think I really have any male friends. Somehow all of my best friends here ended up female. My friends back home would get an absolute kick out of this.


Thank you very much for the basket. You really didn't need to but I appreciate it.
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