War Is Coming Communications.

April 18th, 2014

April 18th, 2014


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So about this fancy ball that's going to happen… Be my date?


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(ooc: Friendly with Allison? You're in this filter!)

I don't know if I'm going to the ball.


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You, little sister, have a date to the ball.

If you want one.

He's really quite handsome and seems very charming. And probably won't try and kill me which I consider a plus now

Friends filter

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[OOC: Anyone who's been to his birthday parties, talks to him a lot, or friends from Hogwarts and Lawrence is in filter]

Okay, so I got my clothes ready for the ball. Just one thing lacking, umm.. a date. Help? If you know anyone who needs a date or "plus one" as they say, and doesn't mind going there with a young wizard, I'm open. Not that I'll use magic there at all. I know it may not be a good idea with muggles present. They might panic, and then hunt or test us and that'd be bad Kinda feels like prom again. But more fun, and with better clothing outfits.


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So. I may have found us a sitter for the night of the ball.

If you were possibly interested in going.

Since you didn't NOT want to go and all.

...I can't believe I'm even typing this.

No evil/heaven

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Well that was an interesting few days. Some lovely rebels thinking they could make a play for my shiny throne. I can admit it, they were good. But I'm Crowley.

What have I missed?

[Filtered to Kol and Anna]

Sorry that took longer than I thought.
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