War Is Coming Communications.

November 4th, 2013

November 4th, 2013


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When I get back in town, I demand we go do something brother-y.


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Had a blast at the party the other day. Thanks for reminding me about it.


Can I ask you for some advice?

No evil

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That was a fantastic party, Rose.

Never got that hungover back home. Must be to do with the time. Or the location. Definitely nothing to do with the amount of drinking, or god forbid age.


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I know everything's been serious and somber, but we should do something fun. Just the two of us.

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Delivered to Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, Klaus, Crowley, Stefan and Katherine )

Texts to Elijah

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[NSFW texts incoming guys!]
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No Evil, No Lord Harry

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I know most people don't like to watch their shows and movies and stuff, but I find it comforting, I guess. I mean, certain things in my last movie suck beyond belief, like seeing my mentor die, but at the same time it's good to see my friends again. I'm the only one here from my movies and while I'm glad for the friends I've made here I miss my crew. I miss my old life. I don't know. Am I the only one who feels that way?

[Lydia M.]

The food was fantastic. You are a really good cook. Thanks for giving me so much. If you still have more I'll gladly take it off your hands.


You are not as bad at pool as you claim. I was impressed. I have Thursday evening off if you want more lessons.


Got the hair spell under control yet? I saw the post you made Saturday but forgot to comment. I think hair that changes color at will is pretty cool.

[Lydia B.]

Hey. How is everything? Needed to use my phaser yet? Think your boyfriend would get growly if I invited you to get some coffee tomorrow and talk?

[Connor & Claudia]

I have some more ideas for upgrades to the security equipment. I just need to know what kind of technology we can get our hands on in this era. When would be a good time to meet up? I work at five tomorrow and Wednesday and I'm off Thursday.

No evil/Lord Harry

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I was thinking about baking something. Possibly a lot of somethings. Any requests?

[Friends filter*]
How long is typical before you feel like you have a place in everyhing going on here? I am not particularly fond of feeling so...lost.

[You probably know if you're on tthis filter, but if not ask!]
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