War Is Coming Communications.

October 12th, 2013

October 12th, 2013

No Evil/No Currently Possessed

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Twice inside a month for being kidnapped.

Now things are ten times worse. Everything hurts.

Now to trudge to see the doctors.

Not gonna sleep again tonight. Sleep means dreams of a cage and explosions blending together.


You and cyber girl in one piece?

(ooc: feel free to notice how miserable Alexis has become over the last 24 or so hours, she's hiding everything from the kidnapping and is failing thanks to the explosion.)


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Okay, look.Read more... )

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[Local news this morning shows a report in which Loki, or someone who looked like Tom Hiddleston's version of Loki, complete with horns and cloak, "violently attacked" a bystander "using some unknown force" to throw him none too gently into a nearby wall, and then destroying his cell phone, somehow, with some kind of a green-gold glow. "Loki" is then seen to look at the camera (or, the girl holding it), and glare. The footage ends there, as she claims she "ran for her life". She was not pursued.]

No evil/no possessed/no Moriarty

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I have discovered the one thing worse than the food they served in hospital canteens for the doctors. The hospital food they serve to patients. Tony? Smuggle me in something decent to eat? Don't listen to the doctors here when they say I have to eat what they say, they lie.

And Belle? You saved my life, thank you.

[Filtered to friends]

So, how bad has it gotten out there?


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Boom, phone explosions.Read more... )

Texts to Niklaus

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>>I implore you to stop this.
>>Please give Stefan the cure before it is too late, before our family is forever ruined.
>>Rebekah WILL give herself over to Lucifer if you do not see reason.
>>Please, Niklaus...

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Mal sa terbile theiff an muchh is

no point

Text to Rebekah

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Tell me, why him? Why Stefan

No evil/Lucifer aligned possessed

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Uh...guys, we may have a problem... Have you seen the news?
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