War Is Coming Communications.

September 30th, 2013

September 30th, 2013

No Evil

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SHERLOCK HOLMES, you had BEST be answering a text because I'm not amused right now. Where the hell are you??

...this is for the Victorian one. Since I apparently need to differentiate between the three.

filtered against evil

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I can't

no evil or currently possessed

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So, if theirs one thing I'm good at it's fighting. Always have been, I'm not sure about everyone else here but I think maybe a sparring class on a regular basis might be a good thing. Unless there already is one? If not I volunteer to teach it.

It could be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the gym at 5pm or something like that. Yay? Nay? Buffy you're ridiculous and your hair is being extraordinarily uncooperative go back to trying to fix it it and not talking?


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If your brother calls me your toy or little pet again can I hurt him? Because I am done playing nice right now.

Please say you'll come and get really drunk with me.

No evil

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It's getting crazy out there...

So how're things going?

Haven't talked to you lately, love. How are those nightmares?

[ooc: After this post, Allison's nightmares that Kol had been helping to keep at bay will be back in full-force!]

Filtered to Kol

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Think its about time we had a chat, don't you?


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can i come over?

youve been quiet?

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It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. Maybe a little bored.

So I see you're back home. How's the baby?

[Added a few hours later]
C'mon and talk to me Momma. If you do maybe I'll let your boy out for a little bit. Poor guy needs a pep talk.

Hey gorgeous. We should talk.

[Properly aligned Demons]
I'm getting an itch to do something destructive. Something bigger than the orphanage fire with more carnage and bodies.

Filtered against evil and known possessed people who aren't team good guy

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Well...gotta say I miss the calm days of where it's political plots and murder cover ups I had to worry about.

Everything okay? You seem more...I dunno. Snarky is being polite.


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Why did you let them come back? That was why you asked about them, wasn't it?

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Alright, what is going on with you? Prank calls are not your style.


We need to find your Victorian self. And then I'm going to strangle him.

filtered from evil and the possessed

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How do we get the demons out of people? What needs to be done to get them back to normal?

Filtered from Evil

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I can't be the only one feeling the change in attitude from some peopple. And frankly from experiance that's dangerous when it happens this quickly.

Have we ensured there are not more possessions. Loud calls of Christo around the complex perhaps?


Tonight? It's just that its been a few days now. Alex will know if I'm shivering and the like. Its rather an unpleasent withdrawl you see. 


Do you think maybe I could get away with going for a run?

There are only so many pressups one can do

filtered against evil

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Well, I'm back on my feet. What can I do to help out?

texts to Scott

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>>Sorry if I kept you up last night.
>>I wasn't expecting the nightmares to come back.


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Do you really think Kol might be possessed?

Filtered to Victorian!Sherlock's friends

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Joan has asked me to help find your friend, and I had already volunteered to do that, but I need information. I need to eliminate places where he might be. I need to know what types of places in this town he might be able to go to so I can set up my own network of informants to give me information. I do not know him well, but he is the friend of my friend. I feel the need to help Joan and the rest of you and to put an end to whatever game he is currently playing with all of you. I am not a violent man so I will do my best to make sure that when he is found he is unharmed. But if he is possessed, as I suspect, I will do my best to exorcise the demon and get your friend back in one piece.


I will be out tonight, setting up my information network. Do not worry if I am not home before daybreak. If something happens I will call you. Also, if he contacts you text me immediately.

[Victorian!Sherlock, or rather the demon I believe is possessing him]

I do not like people who anger Joan. I especially like demons who do so even less. Release him now and I will let you survive to inhabit someone else and cause more trouble. Don't and I will make you regret going after one of my friend's friends.

Texts to Stefan Salvatore

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» I think my brother might be possessed.
» God, Stefan, I really need you right now.
» I don't know what to do.

No evil/possessed people/Peter

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I...I need someone to talk to. All of this is so much on its own, but on top of what happened before I showed up here and I've had no time to process everything else before I was thrown into this and I can hardly sleep. Even though he'd understand, I really don't want to talk to Peter about it because he's already done this and me being here drags up enough for him as it is and I don't want to be a burden because I don't care if by weird fucked up time travel bullshit he's older than me, he's still my son and I'm the mother and I'm supposed to be strong and I can't. I just can't. And of all the fucking times to have a bloody breakdown, right in the middle of the fucking Apocalypse.

I love you, Rabbit.

....you're completely too old for me to be calling you that, aren't you?

Tech sorts

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Sherlock's missing, I'm sure you know that by now. Think you can take a look at the things he's sent my mobile and maybe get a better idea at where he might be than we can?

Texts to Oswin

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>> I'm going to stop texting you every day. You haven't answered and I'm starting to think you won't any time soon.
>> Anyway, I'm heading out of town for a week. Going to San Francisco before Lucifer decides to destroy it. I'm homesick right now.
>> I'll try talking to you when I get back. Take care of yourself, okay?


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So, Sherlock is missing and we think he's possessed. Come help me and Rose and company track him down?
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