War Is Coming Communications.

July 30th, 2013

July 30th, 2013

No Evil - Attention Bar Owners

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Hey guys. I'm looking for a job, something to get me money and get me out of the house. I've spent the last few years tending bar in New York so I'm fairly good. As long as I have my afternoons free to spend with my son I can work any shift. Now that the booze is back I can show you my skills so you can see if I'm worth hiring.

No Evil

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So the chief of police has said he would consider using my services on particularly hard cases. However there is no guarantee I will have work. I have decided to take the monster classes offered to broaden my knowledge and have a purpose here. What should I expect?

Also, does anyone have tattooing equipment? The amulet is cumbersome and I would much prefer to give myself the tattoo. I would also need the symbol from a reliable source.

No Evil

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So I've picked up some odd jobs the last few days but I want something more permanent. I don't mind hard labor and years ago I worked on a farm. Also I was recently in charge of a large crew of a starship, if that helps. I just need something soon.

No Evil

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Add me to those now looking for jobs.

But here's the deal: I've not exactly had typical jobs unless cover stories count because I'm a thief, white hat crew but no much actual normal job experience.

Friends filter

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Soooo I have a date tonight. Color me excited.

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[Filtered against evil]

Now let us not have a repeat of tea being taken away. That was entirely unpleasant in more ways than one.


Now that things are back to normal and I am in a far better mood, may I ask you to dinner, darling?

Also I'm feeling adventurous, so how do you feel about going dancing after dinner?


I do hope you have survived the lack of tea with no ill effects?

Filtered to Dick

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So. This is incredibly awkward.

You and Ruby are seeing each other?

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I talked to Bobby and signed us both up for the camp for the 6th.

Hi! Is that job still open? I'm going to take the class Thursday so I'm all up to date on Kansas alcohol laws and stuff. And I'm going to Bobby's camp next week, but I should be okay to start this weekend maybe?

Hey, so, I saw you're going to the camp too next week thank god. Matty and I are also going and I was just wondering, you know, if it's not too much to ask, if you can help make sure I'm okay and that I don't hurt anyone?

I'm going to Bobby's camp next week.

And I may have gotten a job at Ginger's club. I'm hoping to hear from her soon. It's better than nothing rig

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Any sign of her?

Filtered from Evil
In case anyone was still wondering, it's been confirmed that my sister was sent home again.


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I Just wanted to tell you, in a I-feel-12-sort-of-way, I'm leaving for camp August 6-13. Just a heads up and all.

filtered against evil

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So, does anyone want to help me plan a party? Fifties theme, sock hop. I'm not the greatest at planning stuff like this. I can't pay much, but I will compensate.

Filtered to Tamsin

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Figure you and me should have a chat, Valk

to Ginger

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So, how were things?

Filtered against Evil

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Given I have been here a year and it seems plenty of people here already are attending the university, I am debating looking more into classes. It seems the most logical choice, regardless of time jumps and the like.

Arthur said that he l
He said that you lo Do This is ridiculous

I will be leaving Friday morning for a hunt with Lydia. We should do dinner on Thursday.


You've been quiet. Are you well?

You are so in
I will not let you control my life like your father to make you feel better
So survive the night without drinking yourself to death?

No evil

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I think bacon pie needs to happen.

No evil

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Have to say it's nice to be able to order a drink just because I should be able to. This place is enough to make you miss normal.

[Harry L]

Think I've found an apartment. Not quite home, but it'll do.

[Peter V]

Let me know next time you need to get out for a while and have a drink.

Filtered To Oswin

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So, I kind of think I'm in a relationship. I'm not sure. We were talking about going to San Francisco last night. Together. And I'm pretty okay with all this. It's weird, but I think I like it.

Screw Evil

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Look who came home with me today!!


GAH so excited! IT'S MY FIRST ONE!!! Took every last bit I'd had saved up and I had best land a steady job again soon or I'm screwed BUT FOR NOW IT IS MINE!!!!!!! It needs a name. Boy or girl? I don't know. But it SO works.

[Friends and Family]

And I'm going on a hunt with Morgana, we're leaving Friday, roadtrip yay, if someone could feed Kitty while I'm gone, that'd be great, THANKS! No one yell at me
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