War Is Coming Communications.

February 28th, 2013

February 28th, 2013


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you Stil mad?? feeling any better?

no evil no evil witches

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There are a lot of apples outside.

text to Dean

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>>Guess who's in the lobby again.

[ooc:sent around 5am again]

No evil or Maleficent

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Let me get this straight.

Hundreds of apples showed up outside the complex and we just threw them away?

Filtered to Guy

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Is it safe to assume you're not going this weekend?

No evil. No Maleficent.

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I've been avoiding this
I'm going to regret

Other than being a nuisance at the present moment do we have any idea what Maleficent is looking to do?

Interesting tactic using apples.

Keeping out of trouble, dear?

[House of Lust]
There isn't a need to keep me contained to the house anymore. I won't lie and say I don't still have moments but nowhere near like what it was before.

How's the roommate situation, dear? Everyone settling in well?

I never wanted to
It hurts to know
I made you a promise


[ETA: Rumple]
Thought I'd let you know that Belle asked about our Maleficent today. I told her what I could and told her to ask you for more. Speaking of Maleficent, what are your thoughts on her. I'm going to regret this act of civility later

Connor T.

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Wanna do something later?

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Left outside Dean and Juliet's apartment )

Filtered Against Evil, Maleficent, and Peter V

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Um. So. Just so everyone knows? Jerry? He's... not really here.

Peter's seeing things. But by things I mean it seems to be Jerry specifically. And I know this because he started freaking out about Jerry being in the corner of our apartment a little while ago and he's not there. So. Don't worry about Jerry. Um.

Any ideas on why he might be seeing things? Because this isn't usual for him.

filtered against evil and Maleficent

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Headache aside, I'm feeling more comfortable and at home here. Who wants to do something fun later?

So how'd it go last night? Details!


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I'm sorry. For disappearing the way I did after everything you told me. It's not you, it's just... it's complicated but I think I'm ready to talk. If you want that is.

Also, I'm rubbish at this sort of thing. Talking about things that I need to tell you about. So if you'd rather not, that's all right. But you opened up to me about your life and I feel I should do the same. If you want.

Filtered to House Warehouse

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Why? Why am I always running into her? Every damn time I go to the medbay, it just happens to be when they are there. Every damn time. I either have the worst luck imaginable or karma is a bitch. On second thought I'm unlucky and karma is a bitch. And to make matters worse, there were apples seemingly everywhere outside the complex. Everywhere!

[OOC: In which Myka finally snaps]

Why is it
When are your hours
I cannot

Security Team

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A friend of mine seems to think he needs to stand guard in the lobby. Anyone object if I drag him into the security area and show him around, so he knows he really doesn't?


Hey, kiddo. Sorry I missed you before school this morning. Cas was doing the nocturnal weird thing again, and I accidentally crashed before you got up.


I'm gonna try to fix this whole issue with Cas before we have another babysitting session.


Dude, this whole keeping watch thing? You've gotta stop. Or at least do it right. If you're human, now, you're gonna end up getting


Dude. Don't have anything planned tomorrow night. I'm claiming kidnapping rights.\


Kidnapping your husband tomorrow night. Just so you know.

Peter V.

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How are you, considering? Besides the obvious.

Is he okay?

[Andy & Amy]
Thanks for hanging out last night. I appreciate it guys.

no evil no maleficent

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Hobbit feet socks, honestly rose? I live with a troll.Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Casa de Pierce

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What's with the chart, guys?


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Borrowing from other fairy tales? How unoriginal of you. It's not scary if it's not new, you know?

no evil no evil witchy psychos

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Think I broke my gorram hand. Least part of it anyway. Shiny.

Filtered to Lydia

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I have another favour to ask.
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