War Is Coming Communications.

January 31st, 2013

January 31st, 2013


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Is laser tag a good bachelor party?


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I was trying to give you space if that's what you needed and all, but it's been a few days since I've seen or heard from you, kid. Are you okay? I'm freaking out over here. I don't care if you're staying somewhere else or something, ya know? Just...let me know?

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How're you holding up? Heard from him yet?

You've worried quite a few of us in town, dear. If you are able to read this at least let us know you are all right.

no evil

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I ain't really sure what I'm supposed to be doing here.

No evil

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I need some magical assistance! Or anyone who thinks they can take a crack at this problem really.

So I have a lot of clothes and in moving in with Clark we now have quadruple double the clothes that were in his place than before but the closet is only so big. And while he did get all Mr. Handyman and make a pretty decent sized wardrobe its still not quite big enough for everything.

Can anyone somehow magic it so that its bigger on the inside than it is on the outside? Because I’m not getting rid of my clothes and he probably needs all the ones that he has--even though they will be weeded through soon.

[Filtered to Abby M. and Marian]
The sooner you can get me the answers to all those questions I sent the faster we can get started on these weddings.

[Filtered to Abby M.]
And YOU. Don’t freak out at it all. Attack them a little at a time. But a date would be good and if you have a theme idea.

No lucifers or evil things

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At this point I'm not sure which is the more official holiday coming up via store fronts. Superbowl or Valentines Day. If I didn't know better I'd say Super Bowl in this city.Neither of which I'm feeling currently so

anti-evil forcefield activate

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Wow. I just realized that my college degree means nothing here because I have no proof it even exists. How is anyone getting jobs here that are better than being a fry cook? Because I? Am not the chef in the family and I don't think a grease fire will help my resume any.

[Filtered; Jane]
I really should have known better than to watch. This right here? Calls for emergency tea. Or fire arms practice and yeah, wow, can we discuss the fact that I am offering that as a suggestion at some point too?

No evil

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Ladies and gentlemen, it took me staying up into 4am, despite having a 9am class to get to, but I still managed to finish the paper that has been kicking my ass for a week and get it submitted in time. And I stayed awake during that class.

Praise be to coffee for getting me through it all!

Sometimes it's the little things in life that makes us proud. I rarely get to brag about things, I'm taking this one.

Filtered against evil

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I got into community college. I didn't talk about applying because I wasn't sure how it'd work out, but I got in. And. Um. Well. I never thought I'd be excited for more school considering how high school and the whole college thing went before but new life, right? New chances.

I'm going to buy a round of drinks at the Bed of Roses tomorrow for whoever wants to come and throw one back with me.

Abby M.

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So. How intense is Lois being at you over plans? Are you ready to say "Screw it, let's just elope in Mexico!" yet?

What rock are you hiding under?

Have you talked to Myka about...home? Was wondering how she took it if you did.

Hey, you.

Filtered Against Evil

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Dear Superkid, Superboy, and Action Man:

Would any of you brilliant people be willing to baby-sit a couple of gentle and pleasant dinosaurs while I sweep my overwhelmed fiance away for a few days?

Dear Cyborg and SuperClauds (cause I haven't given you a superhero name yet):

I am escaping. BRB. And by brb, I mean in like...four days maybe. Give or take.
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