War Is Coming Communications.

December 20th, 2012

December 20th, 2012

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I owe you an apology. I was out of line saying what I did, and I did not truly mean it.


I was wondering if I could ask a favour.


Did you see those....singing baubles?

Anyway, I have something for you.

(Ooc: No Lydia, you had nothing to do with this don't go letting it go to your head :P)

"Filtered against evil"

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So the bauble isn't a trick.


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I don't know what to
What's the point of these bauble things if they can't even
I'm sick of

So what do we do for Chri
So, are we gonna do anyth
Hey, any plans for the holid
Ruby better not be cooking for Chr

So it'd probably make me a terrible person if I said I wasn't really feeling Christmas-ey this year, wouldn't it?
Are we supposed to just act like things don't suck?

Hey. What's the plan next week?

Filtered to Ruby!

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I'm manly, right?

No evil

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...aaaand now we are officially super rich. Thank you, ornament of super annoying songs / wishes.

Saturday night, drinks are on me at the most expensive place in town. Just because I can.

Filtered to Rumpelstiltskin

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If I could have a moment of your time, I'd like to talk to you about the magic from your world and how it works.

Autofilter against Evil

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I tried to take the bauble apart. I wanted to see how it worked and moved.

It didn't work.

Filtered Against Evil

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All right, it's time to reevaluate things. We're not going to have a repeat of last night's debacle again.

For anyone who is new to the area, I'm Rose Tyler. I've been here in Lawrence for nearly two years now. I've trained as a Hunter, though I don't do it on a regular basis, and I've also been taking some of the self-defense classes.

What self-defense classes? Well, I'm glad you asked. Here at the Complex and at a couple of places around town, we offer various classes in how to defend yourselves against demon attacks, as well as attacks in general. Jo Harvelle-Shurley offers classes in knife and gun training at the Roadhouse for instance (eat and drink free for the displaced, as a gentle reminder!). Over at the city's Youth Center (run by yours truly), you can get training in swordwork and archery from those two guys from 12th Century Nottingham (nope, not kidding, if you're new it may take some time to sink in), Robin Hood and Sir Guy of Gisborne.

What we need, however, is more teachers and more knowledge of the lessons available to you. More people willing to guide. What I'm offering is a 'Welcome to Lawrence' type class. Learn the layout of the city, how your amulet works, how to protect your home, where everything available for the displaced is located, and, most importantly, who's offering which classes.

I think it might also be important to have someone teaching the proper pronounciation of the exorcism and other Latin blessings and curses we may need (looking at you, Andrew Wells!), and people who want to teach on any one specific creature that we may encounter. I know we all look at Peter Vincent as our resident vampire expert, and I also refer to Elena Gilbert as the ones in her world tend to be different.

Basically, this is a call for volunteers. We will find you a place to hold your lessons, just ask. Also, if you're already running a class (even if I've already mentioned you), please comment so we know who is still here and who we can look to for it.

Now, back to deciding what I want for my bauble wish thingie.

Filtered to House Warehouse

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Have any of you made plans for Christmas? If not, what would you all say to helping me cook dinner on Christmas Day? If you've made other plans, that is fine, I just am putting this out there.

filtered to Gary Bell

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Hey, Gary, did you make your wish yet?

House Filter

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So. Christmas. Do we have plans or whatever? Damon offered to bring food if we needed it. I mean, we did Thanksgiving there, might as well do Christmas here, right?


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Filtered against evil

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I've seen a few posts about a camp and various classes that are being offered to those of us misplaced here. Are any of them for those my age? It seems people are under the misguided belief that it is better to keep the "children" in the dark concerning what is happening around us in order to "protect us". I would like to point out that all you're doing is making it infinitely easier for someone my age to be harmed. After all knowledge is power and having more than the minimum basics about what we are up against can be quite useful.

It's not as though I'm planning on going out and tracking Lucifer down, but I don't see the harm in being taught what to do if I find myself face to face with one of this world's monsters without access to my magic again. It happened once and I dare say we'd all be foolish to think it won't happen again.

filtered to Rose

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Hey, Rose, I was wondering if I could volunteer to help out a little at the youth center.

Filtered to Mr. Pond

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You. Me. Second Honeymoon? I'm thinking an island.

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I'm a fan of this bauble idea.

And I may be growing a little sentimental.

Filtered to Tahiri

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It seems my wish escalated rather more than I intended.

I asked for the Vong technology I had on the 'Anakin'
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