War Is Coming Communications.

December 17th, 2012

December 17th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer and Hermione.

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How am I supposed to keep Hermione from finding out that we're mad about each other in the future? She's going on about how she'll probably poke around on things later on and I can't bloody well let her soil her twelve year old brain with the idea that she might well end up digging her heels in with the likes of me!

Not that me and Hermione are a bad thing. I quite like us together, thanks. What I don't like is her finding out before she's supposed to.

Merlin, being around her is already awkward enough as it is. Help me.

Filtered to Violet.

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We should talk.

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heey u guys knw tat sng
abut the guY whoo goTcuut of

mE neethr

Filtered against Lucifer & Grace.

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This is the first Christmas I've had with my daughter in years.

I have no idea what to get her.

House Warehouse Filter

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Sorry for not, like, coming back to the house last night but I couldn't handle it it was just easier to go to the complex for a minute...

Jinksy, I hope those hugs are still on the table.

I'll be back tonight. Avoiding talking about home because

Filter from Evil and Regina

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Ive learned many Christmas traditions this week. The tree, decorations, the gifts, Santa and his many mall minions.

I think though I am fondest of miseltoe.

no evil

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Couldn't even go shopping without getting spotted by Hobbit fans last night. Bloody hell they're quick. Going out much till the thing dies down is likely out of the question. It will die down again won't it?

I look ridiculous in a cowboy hat for the record.

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[Texts to Claudia]

>>You're all back
>>And missed the crazy which is probably good
>>Don't try and lie and say you're okay though
>>So we're going to do something
>>I don't know what but something
>>Is that understood?

No evil

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Abby, Ziva, Director....what's the plan for Christmas? Or anyone else. Does the apocalypse stop and wait for pudding and egg nog?

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Rose )

Filtered to Emma's friends

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Baby Shower!

When: Saturday, December 22
Time: 1-3
Where: Rose's center

If you bring a thing of diapers to go along with the gift you'll be added into some weird traditional prize giveaway. IDK guys. I'm just doing what the book says to do.

[Filtered to Clark, Kon, Steph]

Sunday night we're doing Christmas dinner--family style because I decided we're a family. Deal with it. Kon and Steph, you can each bring a date if you want.

Clark, you can decide whatever the meal is going to be because you're probably going to be the one cooking it, unless you guys want me to order pizza. I can definitely do that.

Six work for everyone?

Filtered against...Evil? And Lydia

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Spill, internet denizens of Lawrence, Kansas. How long has Lydia been like this?

And who or what is Peter?

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[Texts to Claudia]

» You settled back in yet?
» I'm bored.
» I missed you a lot.
» What you doing?
» This whole Christmas thing is very glittery.
» It's weird.
» It seems very chaotic.

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No seriously, what is going on here? Or am I like trapped in a bad sci-fi movie for real. Hello?

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[Texts to Claudia]
» You holding up okay, love?
» If you need a friendly ear or somewhere to hide away for a bit, you're always welcome at me and Andrew's place.
» Just don't hide away forever, yeah?

[Texts to Steph]
» Have you been hiding from me, Miss Detective?
» Feel like I haven't heard from you in ages.
» Disapprove, Steph. :(

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letsseeeeokaythatputsinletters ooh space awesome annnnd . , / /// no question mark okay i can deal with that later 123 how do you get the big letters and the other things WHA OH OK THERES BIG LETTERS… ummm / nope okay caps lock doesn’t do that…
A oooh shift makes it… ohhhhh okay.

Sooo have i I got this thing working now / ? looks like it anyway. This place is weird. I mean, I've been around, but I’ve never seen stuff like this. And for such a big city, there's no airships anywhere that I see.

People said I can get info here on what the hell is going on.

And hey, Freya, Vivi, Quina, if you can see this, let me know where the hell you guys went. I think the teleport thing went wrong, because this is definitely not Brahne’s shi where we were supposed to be going.

Filtered Against Trolling Lucifer and Friends?

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Okay, I get it, I screwed something up. Help? There are only so many times a girl can try a portal without keeling over from exhaustion and I've tried Cairo, Memphis, Brooklyn, everywhere I can think of. Something super weird is going on and I'm not happy about it.

Carter, if you're reading this, your bum had best be telling me which ridiculous mission has me in Kansas and why nothing is where I left it. Got it? Oh, and why is it so ridiculously cold?

And if you're not Carter and you're reading this, do disregard everything I just said! I made it up, k?

No Evil. Or Peter V.

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So. I've got a question.

How come almost every time Peter V. comments somewhere someone's lurking on the sidelines waiting to twist his words all around to try and make him sound like a jerk? Or ignore half of what he says to try and just decide you get the gist even though you really don't to try to make him sound like a jerk? Because seriously. That's what a lot of you have been doing and I'm not a confronty person but it's really starting to cheese me off here, and guess what else? He might not say anything about it, and you guys that keep doing it might not care, but it's hurting him.

It seems like you guys all just want him to be the local badguy for whatever stupid reason. You need to stop it. You need to actually consider the things he says, not decide it's typed with a "tone." Yes, sometimes he says things he shouldn't, I admit that, and I even get onto him for that at home when it happens. But it doesn't happen as much as you guys are acting like it does. It's you guys deciding he's always being a jerk for some stupid reason.

So way to go. Way to pay attention and way to treat someone like crap that doesn't deserve it.
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