War Is Coming Communications.

December 13th, 2012

December 13th, 2012


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So...you wanted to see the cave?

Filtered against the really very evil

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My daughter is going off to discover herself. If ever there was time for a drink, me at age 30-unknown says it's now.

Filtered to Pip

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I know this is sort of what started...all that. But I just got an update on that Christmas party and all... you still my d going, lo pet?

Filtered Against Evil

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Now that things have calmed down, considerably, could someone tell me who I should talk to about getting paperwork and an identity (I guess that's the best way to put it) here?

I got here when things were pretty crazy. I'm glad it's mostly settled. I'm not very good at sitting around and doing nothing, though. I already found the KU information


Hi, I'm not really sure who to talk to about this, but I was wondering if there is any way that I could volunteer in the medbay to help at times? I could help stock things or with paperwork or something?

I have experience working in a lab setting. I was the chief intern at Oscorp.

[Mrs. Sergievsky]

I was told you might be the person to talk to about volunteering to help with stocking things and paperwork? Do you need any help? I have some experience in lab settings, I just thought I'd put it out there if you did.

Filtered Against Evil

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All the Christmas decorating is real pretty! I like all the twinkling lights and the pretty colors! And the trees that I keep seeing with all the baubles and stuff on them.

I wanna make my apartment all pretty now 'cause I like it so much.

[Firefly Crew]

Can we do something for Christmas since we're here and everything?

I think it'd be real fun getting all of us together and stuff?
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