War Is Coming Communications.

December 3rd, 2012

December 3rd, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Someone want to tell me what the hell is going on here?

Filtered Against Evil and the Possessed

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I'm not going to sugarcoat this. We're under attack. Every camera I've got (and they extend for miles) has them headed this way. Not just the demons, either. Ghouls, hellhounds, you name it.

At this point, sitting in the security room is pointless. It isn't like we don't know there's a threat. I'm taking up arms and guarding the complex, and I'd suggest any fighters we have do the same. If you've been trained in hunting at all, now would be the time. If you aren't trained, head up to Lois Lane's room and stock up on holy water. Peter Vincent mostly restocked the armory, get a weapon if you have even the slightest idea how to use it. Make sure you have rock salt on hand.

I honestly don't know how we'll
There's not enough of us
And this is why Cutter leads and I do the brain thing

We can do this. But we've got to stick together. Good luck

No, that makes it sound like we're all going to

If some of the wishes and powers really are back...now would be a good time.

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[Chuck + Jo]

I'd like to thank you both for letting me stay in the Roadhouse during this insanity. I know all about insanity or being seen that way at least But.. the complex is under attack, I need to get over there and help out. If I'm not needed here Looks like attacks are getting into high gear now.

Also, I think there's good news too. I've read recently about some things changing back. Like Spike being solid again or August not wood anymore. So, knowing that.. I think there's a very big chance that those with powers might get them back also. I'd think that also means you'll have your girls again, they will return as they were before all this. And I promise to help pay back who did that, if I can. If I had an evil-killing gun, I'd loan it out to hunters all the time But for now, I think it's important that the complex over there is defended before it gets any worse.

Filtered: Friends + Darcy's Friends

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Darcy has been exorcised. I have brought her to the medbay for recovery, and I will be remaining with her unless I am needed elsewhere - though in my current state, I doubt that will be the case.

Please do your best to remain safe, everyone.


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[ooc: Futuredated to around 11am or so, when things are beginning to go downhill re: zombieKat. She will not be replying, John, sorry.]

hey so
ijust waneted to sayy thanks fotr puting up wth me. its ben awesme.

il see u onthe otyher sied soonr or later.
prefrably latr. b safe.


no evl

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no one come for me. fra too ijnurd. pelaes car efor my sster shold hse coem hre.

[Aaaand, everyone's favorite Russian mutant is dead ;.;]

No evil or possessed.

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I'll grieve later. People need help

What can I do to help in this fight?


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Stay indoors with Gannicus. I'm going to the complex to assist them in fending off the attack. Do not fear. I have every intention of returning to you.


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forget what i said, i need you to help us. havng a

dont have time for

after some actual brain powered thought, filtered to, lois, jaina, clark, Violet

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Allanas dead she's

im sorry i couldn't

im so sorry

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She should have just left me alone. Things didn't have to get so messy, but she got in the way. Oh well. Thems the breaks.

[Abby S.]
Enjoy my gift? Merry Christmas, or was it..Happy Chanukah?

Look what I got.

[Other demons]
The meatsuits are so adorable sometimes.

Filtered against evil and the possessed

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I know I have not been trained in the ways of how to fight this war yet given I arrived only a week ago, but if there is anything I can do, please let me know.

See Morgana, I can be smart and helpful at the same time

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[after this]

Dios, esto es una situación jodida y yo ni siquiera sé cómo manejarlo. Peter se ha ido por las paredes y ni siquiera puedo estar allí para él. Traté de ayudar. Traté de salvar a Andrew, lo hice, lo juro, pero era demasiado tarde y ahora Oh mi dios yo no sé qué hacer. No estoy preparado para esto. Necesito ayuda. Alguien. Cualquiera. Por favor.....

Andrew's gone... and Peter saw him. I tried to keep him from it, but he saw him anyway and I don't know where he is. Somebody's gotta help me find him. He just walked off. I have no idea where he went and he is clearly not in the right headspace to be out here now and god. I need help. Somebody, Please. You have to help me find him. I can't lose him too

Read more... )

Anti-Evil + added filter against Henry

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Regina's gone. I'm sooooo sorry, guys. I was fighting and it was about to take me down, then she distracted it and

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[No evil/currently possessed people]

We need help defending the Medbay, we have a lot of vulnerable people in here.

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Having fun, gorgeous?


I'm going to see Clint and get some more arrows. Anything you need?

Had about enough of your bullshit, evil

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The medbay is secure. We... I... Martha didn't make it.


I'm sorry. I tried. I never wanted
I couldn't save her
I need

Storybrooke filter

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Something was attacking Henry and Ruby, but I managed to get rid of it. I don't know how it got into the house, but I made sure it wouldn't come back.

Henry, Ruby, are you both all right?

No evil or possessed whack jobs

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I found Ziva in the carpark. She was shot. This is becoming a shitty pattern


Where are you?


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Right so, given in my past I seem to have a penchant for dying, should let them know I'm alive

Still alive and fighting over here at the complex. Sure you all saw Rose's post. We'll give her a proper send off when this over, yeah? But for now just stay safe.

Filtered Against Evil

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I smell blood. Everywhere. It's getting harder not to open the door and go out to find it.

I keep thinking about how I arrived here a little over a year ago and how, if I had come just before all this, so many more people would have died. It's that thought that's kept me inside, despite wanting to help and wanting to protect the people I care about.

[Filtered to friends]
Has anyone heard from Damon in all of this?

Filtered to Friends (Cause She Can't Deal With Enemies Right Now)

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I'm sorry. Especially to those of you in the Complex. But I can't be there. Not now. Henry's been hurt and his mother is dead. I have to be here for him. And the baby isn't exactly happy with me right now and And my mom. Her, too.

Please be careful. Check in with me often. I love you guys

[Texts to Lois]

>> Quit texting me, woman
>> Bit busy here
>> Also, creepy stalkery Lois is a bit too Cullen
>> And stay safe, for god's sake
>> I lov
>> Dammit

Texts to Lois

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» I'm fine.
» Still up and moving.
» Still out finding things to take down.
» How are you holding up?

filtered against evil/possessed people

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....lydias gone... i... she died saving me... i cant... this is too much.... it shouldve been me.
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