War Is Coming Communications.

November 23rd, 2012

November 23rd, 2012

Filtered from Evil and Regina

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I believe I am actually tired.

Well, moving house and cooking a rather large feast for this holiday in the space of a few days. I expect it helps that I don't have many belongings.

I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.I really have a lot I can be thankful for

And thank you all for


How is Lois?

Any change?

Filtered Against Evil

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So, I took this pictures. )

I don't think he likes knowing I'm sharing these withe everyone, but it's totes cute. No idea what brought on the cat thing, but he's cute. Interesting Thanksgiving this year.

Happy turkey day, peeps!

no evil

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I forget who first told me about the speech to text feature but whoever did that, thank you.

Anyway, I'm awake. I'm fine. I'll be fine. Please stop the worrying train that's been happening. I can't talk to text long since I get have a whole bunch of fun tests done now I think the doctors are trying to bore me to death but does anyone have any tricks on how to get a Kryptonian to actually go home and get some real sleep, because I could use them right about now. Edit: This goes for younger siblings as well--looking at you, Stephanie and Kon.

Also, most importantly, does anyone have left over pie?

no evils or Jerry or Katherine. or kids.

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fucking hell that was the last fucking thing in the world I needed to see
I mean I guess I could have walked in on worse but now i just keep picturing the worse things and god MAKE IT STOP
for fuck's sake Epiphany if you're going to fucking invite me over to pick shit up, save the fucking vampire shower shagging until AFTER
oh god i need the biggest fucking tub of brain bleach in fucking existence. and a fucking scrub brush
for fucks sake this is literally making me feel ill what the FUCK

How do you get disturbing filthy images out of your head?

[Text to Andrew]
» pack a bag or something
» we're getting the fuck out of Lawrence for the weekend

Filtered against evil

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I...do not understand this "Black Friday" term I have been seeing. What makes this day black? The sun shines, people seem to be done feasting...

Filtered from Evil

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Food coma. Send help

EDIT: By help, Tony, I mean Indonesian Cat Butt Coffee. Make happen Iron Man.

Filtered from Evil

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Must not compel to ensure ownership of perfect dress.
Must not compel to ensure ownership of perfect dress.
Must not compel to ensure ownership of perfect dress.
Must not compel to ensure ownership of perfect dress.

Leeee. Stefaaaaan. I need an adult. Bitch just elbowed me.

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You busy today? I actually braved the stores last night, while all the crazy people were camped out in front of the doors and picked up some new movies. I was thinking marathon?

You still on the night shift at the medbay, honey? I feel like I hardly see you like ever anymore! We should go do lunch or something this weekend, if you're up for it.
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