War Is Coming Communications.

October 16th, 2012

October 16th, 2012

Filtered to Epiphany

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Ummm, hey did you, like, say something to your vampire friend about... the other night?

...she's scary.


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Has anyone heard from that annoying cunt Jerry at all? Seems to me he's vanished without a trace.


Found any prospects for contractors? Or should I look up numbers? I'm itching to find something to keep me busy in this hellhole.

We seem to be getting an influx of new tenants as well.

[Filtered to Greaves House Peeps (Anyone Living or moving in there)]

This is the one and only warning you're getting. I'm not moving any goddamn time soon. So if any of you have a problem with a vampire being so near run.

If you don't good on you for being progressive and all that good shit. I don't eat where I live except in special occasions. You've all been warned and informed.

[Filtered to Harry]

What are your intentions with my Mood Ring my human my business partner? I will kill you if you lie to me You're distracting. I haven't decided whether or not this is a good or bad thing.

Text to Rose

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>>Are you busy?
>>I want to go see him.

Filtered to Team Mystic Falls. Yes. All of you.

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Okay, it's been a few weeks since the ghosts and I'm no longer completely drugged up so here it goes. I know that Caroline and Jer have already lived through what I learned during the ghost visits and I'm going to guess that Lexi filled you in, Lee. But the fact is, if an Original is killed, all of the vampires who are tied to that Original will die as well.

It's not an issue right now and I know that. We don't have any Originals running around Lawrence but given the nature of the Seal? We need a contingency plan because we don't have a dagger dipped in the ash of the white oak tree to kill them for one, and two? If whoever shows up is the start of the family line for either Katherine or Lexi? The Original will not be the only one to die.

This post is a neutral post, so all grudges? They're justified but leave it to other posts and yourselves, because we need to have a plan in case the Seal decides that it wants to bring through Klaus or Elijah or Rebekkah or Kol and Finn and if we start fighting while trying to form a way to ensure that no one dies, then what hope do we even have on the bigger scale in terms of Lucifer?

We also need a plan in case Alaric shows up and he's been turned into the vampire hunter who won't rest until all vampires are killed. Because I don't care what he did to me, I can't lose him again

Filtered to Marian

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I'll be working security. So you won't be getting quite what you'd hoped for.

Filtered against evil

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Know what? [name of bar] looks like a total shithole but actually its not so bad. And you never know who you're gonna see when you're out... Andrew, when did barhopping become a thing you do?

[Peter V. & Andrew]
So, you two shagging, then?

Filtered to Peter V.

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So...the other night, I was channel surfing, as you do...and I kind of saw the movie you were from? It's so weird... I can kind of understand your reasoning on things a bit better. And why you have breakdowns every time something huge hap But I totally feel like I invaded shit I'm not supposed to know or something. This fictional stuff is never gonna stop being weird...

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[Filtered to Snow White]
We haven’t met, but my name is Natasha Romanoff. Dr. Banner is a friend of mine, and informed me that I could speak to you about possibly setting up tutoring for my son James. He’s fifteen and hasn’t attended school before; though he has learned a lot from the guardian that raised him. I was considering enrolling him in high school, but Bruce recommended I speak to you first, to be sure he gets caught up to the other students.

ETA: [Public; Filtered against evil, Jerry]

Would there be anyone available to tutor someone a b a teena my son in high school math and science?

Filtered against evil, Jerry

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I'm dealing, but not well. People being around helps, but not much. I'm feeling, but I'm numb. I don't even know what this is. Everything's such a confusing mess in my head lately.

filtered to Bruce

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Hi, Bruce. I was wondering if I could borrow the vacuum cleaner again. My new work space could use some serious tidying.

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[Camp Group 8]
Anyone got travel plans for getting up to camp yet?

[Theater Group]
I think we're down another handful of members by now. But I'm really wanting to stop talking so much about this and start actually doing something. So, here's the plan.

Marguerite - I want you to help me out with picking a location to try and set up shop. We looked at some a couple weeks ago, and I think I've narrowed it down to a few places, so if we could meet up sometime this week, we can probably decide which will best suit our needs.

Kurt - If you're going to be covering expenses, then I'll want you with me and Marguerite while we're figuring out the location.

Performers - I think we're down to five now? Magic, acting, singing, dancing? What are we going to do with that, then? Think we can incorporate all of that into one piece? I want specific ideas, and I want the lot of us to get together to discuss it them in person. If anyone knows any writers, try and get them in on this.

Backstage - You lot are on stand-by until we have a place to actually work out of and something to be working on.

That everything? ...fuck I really wish Ginger was here. She was always better at this shit than me...oh yes.

Also, we need a name for the group. Suggestions are welcome, because if I pick, it will end up being something horrendously melodramatic, so go for it.

filtered from evil and vampires that are not nice

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i was wondering what everyone thinks about others here reading/watching their lives? do you not like when people do it?

because i don't think i like that my story is on the tv for everyone to see

but i really don't want to give up reading comics

so i don't think its fair to tell people not to read stuff or watch stuff and was wondering what everyone else thinks?

Filtered against evil

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Ice cream is good and amazing.

Filtered against Baddies

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It's exceptionally quiet being in a house this big by myse I'm sorry Mark, but Netflix has Dr. Horrible on it and I absolutely have to watch it again.

Oh, and Felicia. I know we haven't really done much in the way of training since I got back, but if you've got time I wouldn't mind continuing at some point. If nothing else it would be a good way to take my mind off of the million things that I need to get for my house for a bit.

Filtered to Snow

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Snow, I think we should talk.
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