War Is Coming Communications.

September 2012
[<<<] [>>>]
01:46 am: [info]smokingmagician (no subject)
02:20 am: [info]stephaniebrown Filtered against Baddies & Katherine - 57 comments
02:53 am: [info]nightwingingit filtered against evil things - 55 comments
05:04 am: [info]tuckersbrother Filtered to Peter Vincent - 2 comments
06:10 am: [info]thegirlisme (no subject) - 4 comments
11:54 am: [info]demon_lawyer Filtered against evil - 14 comments
01:28 pm: [info]not_r2d2 Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, and the Gang from Star Wars - 37 comments
02:09 pm: [info]ismellapples (no subject) - 8 comments
03:56 pm: [info]lostfairytale Filtered to Ruby/Red - 16 comments
05:39 pm: [info]bad_narrator Filtered against Evil Thingies - 11 comments
08:37 pm: [info]nightwingingit filtered against evil stuff and things
08:49 pm: [info]ripefruit ooc: What did you do at the Renaissance Festival? - 6 comments
08:52 pm: [info]plusone (no subject) - 30 comments
01:01 am: [info]smokingmagician Filtered to Lexi - 5 comments
02:13 am: [info]builtwithscraps Filtered against Lucifer. - 7 comments
03:33 am: [info]_enigma (no subject) - 153 comments
03:47 am: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered against Lucifer. - 90 comments
10:02 am: [info]tindernest filtered against evil - 24 comments
10:43 am: [info]naturaldisaster Kal - 5 comments
12:23 pm: [info]onlythreedays Filtered against evil and Katherine - 6 comments
01:01 pm: [info]soullesssavior Added filter against Lucifer and Katherine (after the suggestion) - 75 comments
02:54 pm: [info]onlynewlife Filtered against evil, Katherine, Banner, Connor & Abby - 32 comments
04:47 pm: [info]smokingmagician Filtered to Amy, Cordy, Wes, Faith, Dawn, Connor, Andrew, and Lexi - 23 comments
05:19 pm: [info]onlysayinghello (no subject) - 239 comments
06:04 pm: [info]celestialintent (no subject) - 92 comments
06:08 pm: [info]virgovamp (no subject) - 79 comments
08:23 pm: [info]_enigma Filtered against Lucifer - 56 comments
08:46 pm: [info]enjoytheadorbs (HIGHLY RELUCTANT!) Filter Against Evil - 232 comments
09:54 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered to Priestly - 5 comments
10:38 pm: [info]subtletrick Thor - 27 comments
10:51 pm: [info]higher_calling Filtered against evil and Katherine - 9 comments
11:03 pm: [info]abigolfive Filtered against Evil - 196 comments
11:11 pm: [info]artistic_mutant Filtered to Rose Tyler - 6 comments
11:12 pm: [info]imnotlegolas Filtered to Helena - 24 comments
11:42 pm: [info]singmesoftkitty Reluctantly Filtered Against Evil After the Blonde Who Reminds Me of Penny Asked Me To - 239 comments
01:30 am: [info]onlynewlife Text to Lois - 24 comments
02:01 am: [info]hellisagirl Filtered to Winchesters - 10 comments
02:16 am: [info]sanguinesolo filtered against evil - 16 comments
03:29 pm: [info]turnedtoashes Filtered Against Evil - 123 comments
03:43 pm: [info]brain_ninja Filtered to Mel - 11 comments
10:51 pm: [info]smokingmagician Filtered against Evil and vampires except Lexi - 103 comments
11:27 pm: [info]jeditraitor Filtered to friends of John Watson - 29 comments
11:41 pm: [info]toldyouiddoit Filtered Against Evil/Katherine - 43 comments
12:38 am: [info]saltypineapple filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 46 comments
01:51 am: [info]stephaniebrown Filtered against Baddies & Katherine - 97 comments
02:20 am: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered against Lucifer! - 23 comments
02:22 am: [info]plusone (no subject) - 15 comments
09:26 am: [info]robinofthehood Filtered to Marian - 34 comments
09:28 am: [info]petelattimer Filtered toTess - 4 comments
10:44 am: [info]twicecharmedtoo Filtered Against Evil - 51 comments
01:03 pm: [info]subtletrick Filter: Ares + Gabriel - 22 comments
03:55 pm: [info]imhisblogger anti evil filter - 79 comments
07:22 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered from evil and Katherine - 107 comments
10:03 pm: [info]judgeofman Filtered against evil - 13 comments
10:17 pm: [info]onlynewlife Filtered to friends* - 14 comments
10:25 pm: [info]troythewondrboy Filtered against evil and Katherine - 32 comments
12:48 am: [info]notachesspiece Filtered Against Evil and Katherine - 81 comments
05:03 am: [info]_enigma (no subject) - 24 comments
05:11 am: [info]tuckersbrother Filtered against Baddies & Katherine - 98 comments
03:33 pm: [info]jeditraitor Filtered Against Evil - 54 comments
04:08 pm: [info]hellisagirl Filtered Against Baddies - 22 comments
10:30 pm: [info]onlythreedays Filtered against evil and Katherine - 55 comments
10:37 pm: [info]youngalchemist Filtered Against Baddies - 19 comments
10:49 pm: [info]onatightrope filtered against evil and evil vampires. - 109 comments
11:10 pm: [info]onlysayinghello Filtered Against Evil - 54 comments
11:52 pm: [info]psychobitchvamp (no subject) - 165 comments
01:58 am: [info]saltypineapple filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 26 comments
03:25 am: [info]watch_tower [Filtered to Maria and Tess] - 7 comments
03:29 am: [info]slayersocialwrk Filtered against evil - 10 comments
04:16 am: [info]dl_greenarrow filtered against evil - 70 comments
10:30 am: [info]higher_calling Filtered to Chloe - 11 comments
12:35 pm: [info]robinofthehood Filtered against evil, etc - 117 comments
12:44 pm: [info]dl_greenarrow Filtered to the Patrol Team - 101 comments
04:50 pm: [info]abigolfive filtered to Connor Temple - 7 comments
05:11 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered from evil, Chloe, and Oliver - 127 comments
07:58 pm: [info]sanguinesolo Mom - 6 comments
08:33 pm: [info]tindernest (no subject) - 16 comments
10:01 pm: [info]peetanotpita (no subject) - 6 comments
10:30 pm: [info]xander_shaped Filtered against Lucifer. - 16 comments
10:35 pm: [info]onatightrope Filtered to Lois - 6 comments
10:50 pm: [info]watch_tower (no subject) - 37 comments
10:57 pm: [info]bad_narrator Filtered against Evil thingies - 43 comments
11:12 pm: [info]tothewesternsky Filtered to magic-users - 30 comments
11:27 pm: [info]superprime Filtered to Elena/Jeremy/Elphaba - 14 comments
12:15 am: [info]tuckersbrother Filtered against Baddies and Katherine - 48 comments
01:21 am: [info]thegreatslayer Filtered against evil - 9 comments
01:35 am: [info]imhisblogger Filtered to Harry - 10 comments
02:30 am: [info]not_r2d2 Filtered to Kimberly - 25 comments
02:43 am: [info]twicecharmedtoo (no subject) - 4 comments
02:52 am: [info]plusone Texts to John - 10 comments
03:46 am: [info]onlynewlife Filtered to friends - 55 comments
06:19 am: [info]_enigma Filtered to Felicia - 4 comments
06:56 am: [info]itsallspandex Filtered against the usuals - 17 comments
12:53 pm: [info]imhisblogger Filtered to Lexi - 6 comments
03:10 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered against evil and Katherine - 13 comments
06:53 pm: [info]imnotlegolas Filtered against evil, Katherine - 30 comments
07:22 pm: [info]thatlanewit (no subject) - 43 comments
08:24 pm: [info]imhisblogger Filtered to the Peter connected to the Vervain - 6 comments
10:13 pm: [info]justlykbudapest (no subject) - 17 comments
11:03 pm: [info]ismellapples (no subject) - 21 comments
11:56 pm: [info]demon_lawyer Filtered against evil - 4 comments
12:14 am: [info]betterthanmost Filtered; Hermione - 1 comment
12:51 am: [info]smokingmagician filltred to ANdrew - 19 comments
12:58 am: [info]imhisblogger filtered against evil and Gaia - 84 comments
01:35 am: [info]watch_tower Text to Clark Kent - 4 comments
02:20 am: [info]youngalchemist Filtered Against Baddies - 35 comments
07:51 am: [info]plusone Evil Is Bad, No Evil Please! - 25 comments
08:46 am: [info]zee_magician Note
10:40 am: [info]singmesoftkitty Filtered Against Evil, and Someone Named Katherine - 69 comments
10:54 am: [info]hates_clowns filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 2 comments
12:13 pm: [info]onlysayinghello Filtered to Peter - 9 comments
02:20 pm: [info]nightwingingit (no subject) - 34 comments
09:53 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered from evil and Ariel - 74 comments
09:58 pm: [info]watch_tower Text to Lois Lane - 16 comments
09:58 pm: [info]roleofkicker Filtered against Baddies & Katherine - 10 comments
10:15 pm: [info]onlythreedays (no subject) - 52 comments
12:16 am: [info]senseoverload (no subject) - 18 comments
12:51 am: [info]not_r2d2 Texts to Dick
03:42 am: [info]lostfairytale Filtered to Zee - 2 comments
11:02 am: [info]trustmyinstinct (no subject) - 14 comments
11:36 am: [info]higher_calling (no subject) - 8 comments
01:15 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered from evil - 153 comments
01:39 pm: [info]slayersocialwrk Filtered against evil - 20 comments
01:41 pm: [info]dethronedking Filtered Against Evil/Katherine - 16 comments
02:51 pm: [info]peetanotpita Text to Katniss - 8 comments
03:00 pm: [info]watch_tower [Filtered to the Patrol team and Watchtower residents] - 32 comments
03:01 pm: [info]sharkswithguns Filtered against evil + Katherine - 12 comments
03:16 pm: [info]onlythreedays Text to Oliver
03:24 pm: [info]smokingmagician (no subject)
03:29 pm: [info]imhisblogger Text to Florence - 17 comments
04:26 pm: [info]icarus_rising Filtered to Maria, Darcy A., Eponine, and Victor - 18 comments
04:30 pm: [info]toldyouiddoit Filtered from Evil/Katherine - 1 comment
04:30 pm: [info]justlykbudapest (no subject) - 38 comments
04:54 pm: [info]thatlanewit (no subject) - 34 comments
05:05 pm: [info]smokingmagician Filtered against Evil & Katherine - 96 comments
05:22 pm: [info]onatightrope filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 27 comments
06:06 pm: [info]crossyourpath Filtered Against Evil/Katherine - 30 comments
06:20 pm: [info]naturaldisaster Friends Ward - 41 comments
06:55 pm: [info]robinofthehood Filtered to Gisborne - 36 comments
06:56 pm: [info]higher_calling Filtered against evil and Katherine - 32 comments
07:02 pm: [info]niblet (no subject) - 12 comments
07:17 pm: [info]onlynewlife Added: filter against evil & Katherine. My bad, kinda shocked here. - 44 comments
07:18 pm: [info]kiddevil Filtered against evil - 12 comments
07:25 pm: [info]imhisblogger Friends filter - 49 comments
07:47 pm: [info]prudentmel Filtered Against Evil - 27 comments
07:53 pm: [info]superprime Filtered to friends - 52 comments
07:59 pm: [info]startsfires to Andy - 5 comments
08:00 pm: [info]brain_ninja Florence - 14 comments
08:05 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered against evil and Katherine - 10 comments
08:15 pm: [info]celestialintent (no subject) - 8 comments
08:18 pm: [info]total_milf Filtered to friends - 60 comments
08:37 pm: [info]_enigma Filtered against Lucifer - 103 comments
08:46 pm: [info]troythewondrboy Filtered to friends* - 21 comments
09:26 pm: [info]bad_narrator (no subject) - 39 comments
09:36 pm: [info]stephaniebrown Filtered Against Baddies - 19 comments
10:14 pm: [info]sharkswithguns no evils - 15 comments
10:26 pm: [info]renegade_robin Filtered against Lucifer. - 24 comments
10:56 pm: [info]sanguinesolo (no subject) - 7 comments
11:06 pm: [info]avengingwarrior (no subject) - 9 comments
11:22 pm: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered against Lucifer. - 8 comments
11:25 pm: [info]onatightrope Text to Bruce - 8 comments
11:55 pm: [info]thehammer_ismy Filtered to Loki - 19 comments
12:05 am: [info]wes_the_watcher filtered to lilah - 9 comments
12:48 am: [info]smokingmagician (no subject) - 51 comments
01:24 am: [info]onatightrope filterd against stipid evil things and dramaatic bitches - 53 comments
01:49 am: [info]tuckersbrother Filtered Against Baddies - 25 comments
01:52 am: [info]bitchofrome Filtered Against Evil - 30 comments
02:01 am: [info]_enigma Filtered to the fools who got utterly smashed last night... - 13 comments
09:40 am: [info]kiddevil Filtered against evil - 12 comments
09:45 am: [info]knocknockclauds Filtered to friends* - 29 comments
10:20 am: [info]robinofthehood Filtered to Marian - 12 comments
11:08 am: [info]smokingmagician Filtered to Lilah - 44 comments
12:03 pm: [info]psychobitchvamp Filtered to Jacen - 2 comments
01:08 pm: [info]onatightrope (no subject) - 10 comments
02:17 pm: [info]ismellapples Filtered to the remaining people who work/live at Watchtower, though NOT patrol people - 2 comments
03:10 pm: [info]wes_the_watcher Filtered Against Evil - 24 comments
03:47 pm: [info]niblet filtered against evil - 12 comments
04:43 pm: [info]roleofkicker Filtered Against Baddies - 8 comments
05:33 pm: [info]tricksterjaina Filtered against evil - 18 comments
06:01 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered from evil and Katherine and vampires that aren't Lexi - 47 comments
08:09 pm: [info]tindernest Peeta - 1 comment
09:16 pm: [info]higher_calling Filtered to Queen Industries employees - 7 comments
10:33 pm: [info]toobloodynoble Filtered to Morgana, Marian, Robin and Gisborne - 63 comments
10:54 pm: [info]lostfairytale Filtered Against Evil and Katherine - 85 comments
11:18 pm: [info]spyerella Peeta and Katniss - 5 comments
02:10 am: [info]tuckersbrother Filtered Against Baddies - 15 comments
12:20 pm: [info]hates_clowns filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 5 comments
02:08 pm: [info]smokingmagician Filtered against Evil and Vampires aside from Lexi - 30 comments
02:33 pm: [info]thegirlisme filtered against evil and katherine - 17 comments
03:15 pm: [info]enjoytheadorbs Filtered Against Evil I Guess? - 7 comments
04:20 pm: [info]imhisblogger (no subject) - 6 comments
04:35 pm: [info]magic_tara (no subject) - 37 comments
05:22 pm: [info]humanpolygraph Added filter against evil, Katherine, Gaia (when Myka explains it) - 35 comments
05:29 pm: [info]xander_shaped Filtered against Lucifer. - 53 comments
05:37 pm: [info]smallestdetails Evidently I am supposed to 'filter' against 'Lucifer' - 82 comments
06:50 pm: [info]risingtothetop filtered against "evil" - 67 comments
06:58 pm: [info]mydocumentary (no subject) - 14 comments
07:01 pm: [info]hellisagirl Filtered Against Baddies - 20 comments
09:03 pm: [info]knocknockclauds (no subject) - 8 comments
09:46 pm: [info]smokingmagician Texts to Amy - 4 comments
10:26 pm: [info]thunderstrikejr (no subject) - 89 comments
11:24 pm: [info]mord_sith Filtered to Jack Harkness. - 1 comment
11:49 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered from evil - 101 comments
12:23 am: [info]tuckersbrother Filtered Against Baddies & "Jerry" AKA: Guy With Post Below This One - 14 comments
12:45 am: [info]slayersocialwrk (no subject) - 12 comments
12:50 am: [info]wes_the_watcher Peter - 9 comments
12:52 am: [info]orgasmdonor Text to Peter - 8 comments
01:11 am: [info]iamnotahooker (no subject) - 19 comments
02:00 am: [info]demon_lawyer (no subject) - 3 comments
02:07 am: [info]ismellapples (no subject) - 25 comments
03:23 am: [info]stephaniebrown Filtered to Peter Vincent - 18 comments
05:04 am: [info]jerrythevampire (no subject) - 86 comments
05:53 am: [info]builtwithscraps Filtered against Lucifer. - 6 comments
06:06 am: [info]feelingepic Filtered to Peter - 12 comments
09:52 am: [info]higher_calling Filtered against evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 22 comments
11:42 am: [info]knocknockclauds Texts to John - 2 comments
12:34 pm: [info]were_allmadhere (no subject) - 32 comments
12:44 pm: [info]friggin_faerie (no subject) - 15 comments
03:43 pm: [info]plusone Filtered Against Evil and Vamps Who Aren't Lexi - 42 comments
03:47 pm: [info]wolf_omega Connor - 4 comments
04:03 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered against evil, Katherine, and especially Jerry - 26 comments
04:18 pm: [info]wolf_omega Filtered against evil, Katherine, and the demon bitch Meg - 33 comments
04:30 pm: [info]not_r2d2 (no subject) - 20 comments
04:50 pm: [info]onatightrope Felicia
05:20 pm: [info]ilikepuzzles Warehouse Filter - 30 comments
06:26 pm: [info]nightwingingit Filtered against evil and meg and evil vampires that aren't lexi - 54 comments
06:47 pm: [info]ashadeofgray (no subject) - 101 comments
08:12 pm: [info]feelingepic Filtered TO Vampires - 16 comments
09:07 pm: [info]senseoverload filtered to warehouse residents - 11 comments
09:14 pm: [info]salvatorescrow filtered to Elena - 5 comments
09:31 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered to magic users and Epiphany - 23 comments
10:46 pm: [info]mydocumentary Screw Evil. Screw Vampires (not you, Lexi). Whatever - 19 comments
11:18 pm: [info]smokingmagician Filtered against evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 35 comments
11:22 pm: [info]ripefruit to Peter Vincent - 3 comments
12:11 am: [info]risingtothetop filtered against evil - 12 comments
01:49 am: [info]mord_sith Filtered against Lucifer. - 39 comments
04:05 am: [info]wayofthewarrior Filtered against evil and Katherine - 22 comments
07:35 am: [info]crossyourpath Filtered from Evil - 23 comments
02:03 pm: [info]onatightrope filtered against evil, meg, evil vampires that arent lexi - 16 comments
03:09 pm: [info]xander_shaped Filtered against Lucifer, Meg, Jerry, and BATGIRL. - 15 comments
03:15 pm: [info]stephaniebrown Filtered Against Baddies & Jerry & also Meg - 59 comments
03:21 pm: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered against Lucifer, Meg, and Jerry. - 55 comments
05:35 pm: [info]lookitsmewmew Texts to Loki - 15 comments
07:59 pm: [info]oldhunterstrick filtered against evil and meg - 14 comments
08:09 pm: [info]hellisagirl Filtered Against Baddies, Meg, and Jerry - 35 comments
08:43 pm: [info]saltypineapple text to Dean
08:45 pm: [info]thatlanewit (no subject) - 8 comments
09:28 pm: [info]notmymemory autofilter: Against Evil, Katherine, Meg and Jerry - 30 comments
10:10 pm: [info]onlysayinghello Filtered from Evil - 29 comments
10:26 pm: [info]lostfairytale Texts to Jo - 8 comments
10:41 pm: [info]saltypineapple filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia, anddddd meg - 22 comments
11:10 pm: [info]total_milf (no subject) - 12 comments
11:30 pm: [info]risingtothetop God damn filters - 14 comments
11:44 pm: [info]lifeyoulive (no subject) - 1 comment
11:56 pm: [info]lostinthesewers filtered to Mark - 1 comment
11:58 pm: [info]tuckersbrother Filtered to Peter Vincent - 5 comments
12:09 am: [info]ismellapples added filter against evil, Katherine, Jerry and Meg after told to - 86 comments
12:52 am: [info]thegreatslayer (no subject) - 1 comment
01:07 am: [info]mord_sith Filtered against Lucifer. - 3 comments
03:43 am: [info]demon_lawyer Filtered against evil, Meg, Katherine, Jerry - 11 comments
05:02 am: [info]thewolfwithinme Filtered against Evil and Katherine and Jerry and Meg - 14 comments
06:12 am: [info]star_killer Filtered against evil
06:21 am: [info]trustmyinstinct texts to connor - 6 comments
07:56 am: [info]frostandsnow Filtered from Evil/Katherine/Meg - 32 comments
09:30 am: [info]lostfairytale Filtered Against Evil and Katherine and Kids (and Jerry and Meg oh my) - 20 comments
09:44 am: [info]onatightrope force filtered by svetlana >.> - 41 comments
09:56 am: [info]judgeofman Filtered against evil - 6 comments
11:00 am: [info]justlykbudapest (no subject) - 29 comments
11:01 am: [info]icarus_rising Filtered against Evil - 15 comments
11:04 am: [info]son_of_angel Filtered against evil, Jerry, Meg, Katherine, and Henry - 3 comments
11:17 am: [info]not_r2d2 Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, Meg, Jerry, Forgetting Anyone? - 61 comments
11:36 am: [info]_booyah Filtered against evil, Katherine, Jerry, Meg
12:14 pm: [info]outofhisleague Anatoly, John, and Bruce - 9 comments
12:44 pm: [info]thegirlisme (no subject) - 11 comments
05:12 pm: [info]_enigma Filtered to Lydia - 4 comments
06:01 pm: [info]cursedone (no subject) - 5 comments
06:01 pm: [info]naturaldisaster Jeremy - 5 comments
08:09 pm: [info]startsfires filtered against evil, Katherine, Jerry - 17 comments
08:38 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered against evil, Katherine, Jerry - 33 comments
09:39 pm: [info]spyerella Stay Out Kids (Especially Peeta) - 27 comments
09:39 pm: [info]tuckersbrother (no subject) - 38 comments
11:02 pm: [info]thatlanewit (no subject) - 61 comments
11:24 pm: [info]nightwingingit filtered against evil - 3 comments
11:27 pm: [info]smokingmagician Filtered to Jerry - 4 comments
12:02 am: [info]_enigma Filtered against Lucifer (and kids) - 120 comments
12:13 am: [info]anything4her Damon - 6 comments
01:27 am: [info]hellisagirl Filtered against evil and Jerry - 6 comments
01:28 am: [info]prudentmel Filtered Against ALL forms of Evil - 20 comments
05:45 am: [info]itsallspandex Filtered against evil - 8 comments
08:49 am: [info]knocknockclauds Filtered to friends* - 47 comments
11:39 am: [info]feelingepic Filtered from Evil - 70 comments
03:15 pm: [info]iamnotahooker (no subject) - 6 comments
03:56 pm: [info]justlykbudapest Filtered to Bruce Banner and Clint - 25 comments
05:51 pm: [info]bitchofrome (no subject) - 66 comments
07:21 pm: [info]turnedtoashes (no subject) - 56 comments
07:41 pm: [info]_enigma (no subject) - 17 comments
08:31 pm: [info]atleasthearme Filtered against Lucifer-flavored evil
09:05 pm: [info]peetanotpita Filtered against evil - 48 comments
10:19 pm: [info]smokingmagician (no subject)
11:14 pm: [info]thatlanewit (no subject) - 7 comments
12:09 am: [info]risingtothetop no evil - 37 comments
12:28 am: [info]tuckersbrother Filtered Against Baddies, Jerry, and Warren even the filter doesn't work on him - 82 comments
12:46 am: [info]plusone Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 72 comments
03:10 am: [info]stephaniebrown Filtered Against Baddies and Jerry - 56 comments
03:32 am: [info]itsallspandex Filtered against evil - 8 comments
04:22 am: [info]knocknockclauds Filtered against the usge (evil/Jerry/Katherine/Gaia) - 82 comments
08:47 am: [info]saltypineapple filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 16 comments
09:05 am: [info]onatightrope Filtered against evil - 29 comments
09:32 am: [info]imhisblogger filtered against newsherface and evil - 14 comments
10:18 am: [info]naturaldisaster filtered against evil, katherine, meg, jerry and jeremy - 44 comments
10:46 am: [info]smallestdetails Watson - 23 comments
10:55 am: [info]withgunsdrawn Sam - 13 comments
11:05 am: [info]tindernest Texts to Kal - 6 comments
11:53 am: [info]_enigma No Lucy, Jerry or Meg! - 16 comments
12:14 pm: [info]higher_calling added filter from evil, etc - 23 comments
12:45 pm: [info]jeditraitor Filtered Against Evil - 30 comments
01:14 pm: [info]smokingmagician Filtered to Amy and Andrew - 32 comments
01:16 pm: [info]risingtothetop no evil - 43 comments
01:37 pm: [info]littleducktails Filtered Against Evil - 30 comments
02:15 pm: [info]total_milf Filtered to Katniss - 8 comments
02:17 pm: [info]avengingwarrior Filtered against Evil, Jerry, and Meg - 21 comments
02:43 pm: [info]zeppelinrulez Filtered against Evil Bitches - 4 comments
03:38 pm: [info]decidewhoweare (no subject) - 27 comments
04:32 pm: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered to friends | away from Ruby. - 15 comments
05:11 pm: [info]lifeyoulive Filtered to Force users - 15 comments
05:24 pm: [info]sanguinesolo filtered against evil - 26 comments
05:56 pm: [info]slayersocialwrk filtered against evil - 15 comments
06:47 pm: [info]icarus_rising Filtered to Maria - 3 comments
07:51 pm: [info]imhisblogger harry and rose - 56 comments
09:55 pm: [info]know_your_exits Filtered against evil, Jerry, Meg, Katherine - 1 comment
10:42 pm: [info]ex_bornofaja490 Filtered against evil, Meg, Katherine, Jerry, and anyone under 16 - 7 comments
10:52 pm: [info]robinofthehood Filtered to Marian - 16 comments
11:46 pm: [info]ismellapples Pete - 8 comments
01:56 am: [info]saltypineapple filtered against evil - 2 comments
02:09 am: [info]plusone Filtered to Friends - 34 comments
09:02 am: [info]ilikepuzzles Claudia/Helena/Steve - 20 comments
12:21 pm: [info]onatightrope no evil - 4 comments
01:10 pm: [info]risingtothetop no evil filter - 6 comments
03:16 pm: [info]onlynewlife Filtered against evil, Jerry, Meg, and Katherine - 37 comments
03:20 pm: [info]wolf_omega connor - 12 comments
03:23 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered from evil, Jerry and Meg - 87 comments
04:09 pm: [info]_enigma No Evil! No Chris! - 20 comments
07:03 pm: [info]sanguinesolo Jaina - 2 comments
09:14 pm: [info]imhisblogger Text to Florence - 15 comments
09:51 pm: [info]smokingmagician Text to Andrew - 16 comments
11:17 pm: [info]imhisblogger filtered to Mr.Holmes - 11 comments
11:18 pm: [info]thexman Filtered against evil/Katherine/Jerry - 34 comments
11:29 pm: [info]bad_narrator Filtered against Evil and Katherine - 6 comments
11:46 pm: [info]onatightrope Filtered to Steph - 10 comments
12:11 am: [info]saltypineapple Filtered to the Doctor/Handy/10.5? - 8 comments
12:42 am: [info]notachesspiece Filtered to Andy - 9 comments
03:51 am: [info]nightwingingit filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 44 comments
04:45 am: [info]hellisagirl Filtered Against Baddies & Jerry - 25 comments
05:18 am: [info]knocknockclauds Filtered to Pete L.
10:23 am: [info]higher_calling Filtered against evil, Katherine, Meg, & Jerry - 25 comments
10:52 am: [info]robinofthehood Filtered against evil - 14 comments
01:00 pm: [info]petelattimer Sent to Helena, cced to Jinksy and Claudia - 27 comments
01:18 pm: [info]onatightrope Bruce W. - 9 comments
02:19 pm: [info]_enigma Courtesy of the Halliwell Delivery Service
04:40 pm: [info]haventwonatall (no subject) - 13 comments
05:22 pm: [info]roleofkicker Filtered Against Baddies, Katherine, and Jerry - 7 comments
05:55 pm: [info]thirdbrother Filtered to Mel - 5 comments
07:01 pm: [info]smokingmagician FILTERED TO THE WINCHESTERS - 8 comments
08:33 pm: [info]ripefruit end of hiatus?
08:43 pm: [info]startsfires filtered against evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 4 comments
08:52 pm: [info]let_them_talk filtered to Kimberly - 3 comments
08:53 pm: [info]smokingmagician Ndreww - 12 comments
08:55 pm: [info]stephaniebrown Filtered Against Baddies & Jerry - 16 comments
09:03 pm: [info]orgasmdonor Filtered against baddies & Jerry - 77 comments
09:14 pm: [info]_enigma Late Filter against Lucyfer and Jerry/Meg - 41 comments
09:33 pm: [info]harvelle (no subject) - 7 comments
09:42 pm: [info]monsterdoc Filtered to Natasha Romanoff - 4 comments
09:46 pm: [info]peetanotpita Filtered against evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 2 comments
10:12 pm: [info]stephaniebrown Now Filtered Against Jerry - 81 comments
10:17 pm: [info]robinofthehood Filtered to Marian - 18 comments
12:07 am: [info]tuckersbrother Filtered against Baddies and Jerry - 179 comments
12:47 am: [info]onlynewlife Filtered against the usual suspects - 14 comments
03:23 am: [info]notachesspiece Filtered Against Evil and Katherine and Jerry and Meg - 17 comments
04:55 am: [info]knocknockclauds Filtered to Complex Security peeps - 2 comments
07:12 am: [info]dethronedking Filtered Against Evil/Katherine/Jerry - 4 comments
12:39 pm: [info]smokingmagician filtered against evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 22 comments
12:58 pm: [info]onatightrope Filtered to Edward was it? - 2 comments
03:15 pm: [info]notahugger (no subject) - 73 comments
04:06 pm: [info]hownormalcanibe Newly Filtered Against "Evil, Katherine, and Jerry" - 36 comments
04:37 pm: [info]c_brewster Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, and Jerry (Please god not THAT Jerry) - 119 comments
04:46 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered to Amy - 8 comments
05:14 pm: [info]smokingmagician Filtered to Amy - 8 comments
05:30 pm: [info]_enigma Filtered against Lucyfur - 4 comments
05:49 pm: [info]boywhobelieves Filtered to Belle...the first Belle? - 14 comments
06:44 pm: [info]orgasmdonor Ames - 6 comments
08:33 pm: [info]ismellapples Friends filter - 41 comments
08:35 pm: [info]subtletrick Filtered to: Friends - 31 comments
08:39 pm: [info]salvatorescrow filtered to Mystic Falls people - 16 comments
09:07 pm: [info]loveishope (no subject) - 95 comments
09:14 pm: [info]theonetruemeg (no subject) - 69 comments
10:06 pm: [info]risingtothetop No evil - 36 comments
11:06 pm: [info]superprime Filtered to Epiphany - 5 comments
11:12 pm: [info]senseoverload warehouse filter - 8 comments
12:10 pm: [info]robinindahood filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 4 comments
01:26 pm: [info]_enigma Filtered to Tony Stark - 6 comments
03:09 pm: [info]blazeinhereyes (no subject) - 19 comments
04:56 pm: [info]notthatdrunk Belatedly Filtered Against Evil and the Vampire Named Jerry - 86 comments
05:22 pm: [info]withgunsdrawn Sammy - 3 comments
06:29 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered to Charley - 1 comment
10:05 pm: [info]tuckersbrother Filtered against Evil & Jerry - 207 comments
10:10 pm: [info]_enigma No Evil - 10 comments
10:38 pm: [info]hates_clowns filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 156 comments
10:50 pm: [info]tindernest filtered against evil, jerry, and katherine - 27 comments
11:11 pm: [info]total_milf Text to Cin - 6 comments
11:37 pm: [info]_enigma Filtered against evil - 40 comments
11:50 pm: [info]plusone (no subject) - 27 comments
11:55 pm: [info]imhisblogger Text to Florence - 6 comments
12:27 am: [info]tricksterjaina Edit: Filtered against evil + evil vampires - 6 comments
12:51 am: [info]thirdcharmed (no subject) - 5 comments
01:57 am: [info]mord_sith Filtered against Lucifer. - 9 comments
02:04 am: [info]spyerella Nooo Evil Fuck offfff Alsooo go aWAY if you disapprove - 43 comments
02:07 am: [info]renegade_robin Filtered against Lucifer. - 104 comments
02:22 am: [info]total_milf Filtered against Lucifer, Jerry, cheerleaders, Katniss and Katherine thnx dex - 125 comments
06:26 am: [info]onlysayinghello Filtered Against Evil - 10 comments
07:25 am: [info]thegirlisme Darcy A. - 5 comments
07:29 am: [info]bitchofrome Ares - 4 comments
07:51 am: [info]notachesspiece Filtered to Darcy A - 3 comments
11:34 am: [info]smokingmagician Filtered to Darcy A. - 3 comments
11:51 am: [info]onatightrope filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 53 comments
01:49 pm: [info]smokingmagician Filtered to Jerry
02:03 pm: [info]robinofthehood (no subject) - 18 comments
02:32 pm: [info]total_milf (no subject) - 15 comments
02:46 pm: [info]onlynewlife Filtered against the usual suspects - 18 comments
05:09 pm: [info]iwantsomuchmore Filtered against Evil/Katherine/Jerry - 23 comments
05:29 pm: [info]notahugger Filtered to Connor Temple and Sam Winchester - 4 comments
06:00 pm: [info]robinofthehood Filtered to Gisborne - 14 comments
06:05 pm: [info]onatightrope Text to Clark
09:16 pm: [info]lostfairytale No evil, no Katherine, and no Jerry - 41 comments
09:22 pm: [info]smokingmagician Filtered to Charley, Amy, and Priestly - 28 comments
10:36 pm: [info]startsfires filtered to Andy - 7 comments
10:47 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered from evil and Jerry - 186 comments
09:34 am: [info]psychobitchvamp Filtered against evil/Jerry - 47 comments
11:58 am: [info]_enigma No evil Or Jerry - 263 comments
12:18 pm: [info]onatightrope filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 55 comments
12:59 pm: [info]nightwingingit Filtered to Lois - 27 comments
01:54 pm: [info]_enigma Filtered to Stephanie Brown - 1 comment
02:12 pm: [info]sanguinesolo filtered against evil, jerry, and katherine - 40 comments
03:20 pm: [info]smokingmagician (no subject) - 16 comments
05:15 pm: [info]thewolfwithinme Magic Usesrs - 11 comments
06:24 pm: [info]orgasmdonor Filtered to Peter - 30 comments
07:17 pm: [info]jediqueen Jacen - 10 comments
08:27 pm: [info]ripefruit (no subject) - 21 comments
08:49 pm: [info]loveishope Filtered against Evil - 36 comments
11:22 pm: [info]bad_narrator FILLTERREED AGAINSFDT EvILTHINGGIES AND SHIT - 67 comments
12:50 am: [info]onatightrope filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia
12:57 am: [info]toldyouiddoit Filtered from Evil - 57 comments
01:12 am: [info]youngalchemist Filtered Against Baddies & Jerry - 44 comments
02:59 am: [info]stephaniebrown Filtered against Baddies & Jerry - 43 comments
05:00 am: [info]plusone Filtered Against Evil, They Weren't Invited. And Jerry. He's Probably a Bad Dancer, Too - 53 comments
05:34 am: [info]crossyourpath Filtered to Tony Stark - 4 comments
05:52 am: [info]_enigma Filtered to Peter Vincent - 4 comments
09:26 am: [info]knocknockclauds Filtered to John Watson - 6 comments
11:37 am: [info]anything4her Filtered against evil - 31 comments
11:48 am: [info]imhisblogger (no subject) - 30 comments
01:12 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered against evil and Jerry - 95 comments
02:23 pm: [info]bad_narrator epiphany - 3 comments
03:14 pm: [info]_enigma Filtered to Damon Salvatore - 18 comments
03:57 pm: [info]smokingmagician Texts to Andrew - 28 comments
04:51 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered to friends - 34 comments
05:33 pm: [info]niblet Filtered against evil and all the baddies - 23 comments
06:03 pm: [info]_flowerchild filtered against evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 29 comments
06:30 pm: [info]feelingepic Filtered Against Evil/Jerry - 93 comments
07:40 pm: [info]notthemajor Filtered against evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 27 comments
08:20 pm: [info]agent_sawyer Peter - 12 comments
08:41 pm: [info]onatightrope filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 36 comments
08:57 pm: [info]tuckersbrother Text to Lois - 31 comments
09:11 pm: [info]let_them_talk filtered against evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 14 comments
09:44 pm: [info]loveishope Filtered to Emma - 12 comments
10:05 pm: [info]bad_narrator Filtered to Mara and Luke and their family - 13 comments
10:17 pm: [info]tuckersbrother Filtered Against Baddies & Jerry - 21 comments
10:20 pm: [info]imhisblogger Teleporters - 34 comments
11:34 pm: [info]onlynewlife Filtered to friends of Jess and Pete - 2 comments
12:20 am: [info]stephaniebrown Filtered against Baddies & Jerry - 31 comments
12:45 am: [info]onlynewlife Filtered to Banner, Anatoly, Rory, and John - 28 comments
06:21 am: [info]betterthanmost Filtered against evil, Katherine, Jerry, Meg - 5 comments
09:22 am: [info]knocknockclauds Anti-evil, anti-psycho vamp times two, anti-Gaia - 14 comments
03:02 pm: [info]smokingmagician (no subject) - 35 comments
03:49 pm: [info]naturaldisaster (no subject) - 29 comments
04:47 pm: [info]nightwingingit Text to Connor - 8 comments
05:20 pm: [info]renegade_robin Filtered agianst Lucifer & tiny psychotic women. - 66 comments
06:47 pm: [info]imnotlegolas Filtered against Evil and evil vampires - 10 comments
07:21 pm: [info]plusone Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 53 comments
08:21 pm: [info]theonetruemeg (no subject) - 75 comments
09:18 pm: [info]knocknockclauds Filtered to Peter V. - 8 comments
09:27 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filters against evil things and that vamp that's a ripper - 111 comments
09:39 pm: [info]psychobitchvamp Filtered to Jerry
09:49 pm: [info]dethronedking (no subject) - 16 comments
10:26 pm: [info]salvatorescrow private to Enigma - 5 comments
10:49 pm: [info]tricksterjaina Sam Winchester - 26 comments
11:18 pm: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered to Ruby. - 6 comments
11:46 pm: [info]jeditraitor Filtered Against Evil - 59 comments
12:31 am: [info]onatightrope filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 11 comments
02:01 am: [info]nightwingingit (no subject) - 12 comments
02:29 am: [info]lookitsmewmew Filtered Against Evil--Yes, all of them, jeez! - 18 comments
03:17 am: [info]ismellapples Friends filter - 7 comments
04:19 am: [info]stephaniebrown Filtered Against Baddies, Jerry, kids, and CLARK and now Lois, Kal, and Kon NO SUPERFAM - 31 comments
08:10 am: [info]crossyourpath (no subject) - 22 comments
12:31 pm: [info]risingtothetop filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 8 comments
02:01 pm: [info]onatightrope no evil - 10 comments
02:48 pm: [info]icarus_rising Filtered Against Evil - 14 comments
02:59 pm: [info]naturaldisaster filtered against evil - 10 comments
02:59 pm: [info]risingtothetop filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia - 3 comments
03:20 pm: [info]anything4her Filtered against evil - 2 comments
03:22 pm: [info]thatlanewit filtered against evil and jerry - 2 comments
04:13 pm: [info]nightwingingit no evil - 34 comments
04:46 pm: [info]salvatorescrow filtered against evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 19 comments
05:02 pm: [info]thirdbrother Filtered against Lucifer - 16 comments
05:17 pm: [info]ex_demonbloo908 Filtered against Lucifer. - 12 comments
05:23 pm: [info]ocicat (no subject) - 7 comments
05:37 pm: [info]onlynewlife Filtered against evil - 20 comments
05:38 pm: [info]mord_sith Filtered agianst Lucifer.
05:54 pm: [info]smokingmagician Texts to Andrew - 39 comments
06:02 pm: [info]withgunsdrawn Anti-evils filter. - 36 comments
07:42 pm: [info]wayofthewarrior (no subject) - 12 comments
08:15 pm: [info]hellisagirl fitlered against the bads - 40 comments
08:21 pm: [info]smallestdetails Watson - 7 comments
08:27 pm: [info]harvelle Filtered against evil, Katherine, & Jerry - 3 comments
08:39 pm: [info]subtletrick Ares - 20 comments
09:09 pm: [info]sharkswithguns No evil, no Ares, no Jerry, no Katherine - 2 comments
09:19 pm: [info]outofhisleague Filtered Against Evil - 45 comments
09:28 pm: [info]ilikepuzzles Warehouse filter - 3 comments
09:35 pm: [info]onlysayinghello Filtered Against Evil - 10 comments
09:37 pm: [info]onatightrope no evil - 3 comments
10:08 pm: [info]_enigma Filtered from Evil, Jerry, Felicia, Stephanie Brown - 19 comments
10:14 pm: [info]theonetruemeg (no subject) - 22 comments
10:59 pm: [info]tindernest filtered to friends/people who live at Cindy's - 9 comments
11:34 pm: [info]subtletrick Friends* - 8 comments
11:42 pm: [info]passthehat (no subject) - 102 comments
11:47 pm: [info]onlynewlife (no subject) - 2 comments
12:25 am: [info]youngalchemist Anti-Evil and Jerry - 12 comments
12:35 am: [info]mrs_locksley Filtered Against Evil - 43 comments
01:03 am: [info]lostfairytale Filtered to Friends - 76 comments
01:21 am: [info]bitchofrome Filtered Against Evil/Ares - 12 comments
01:30 am: [info]stephaniebrown Filtered Against Baddies & Jerry - 4 comments
05:05 am: [info]psychobitchvamp Filtered against evil - 4 comments
09:50 am: [info]loveishope Filtered Against Evil - 52 comments
09:55 am: [info]toldyouiddoit Filtered Against Evil/Jerry - 25 comments
11:32 am: [info]ex_savior698 Filtered against Lucifer and possibly Death. - 5 comments
12:38 pm: [info]itsallspandex Filtered against evil/Katherine/Jerry - 39 comments
01:09 pm: [info]ismellapples (no subject) - 17 comments
01:49 pm: [info]_enigma Filtered to Group Six Camp Grounp - 48 comments
02:28 pm: [info]diditforher (no subject) - 39 comments
02:44 pm: [info]smokingmagician Filtered against Evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 57 comments
04:27 pm: [info]onlynewlife Filtered against baddies, Katherine, and Jerry - 35 comments
04:30 pm: [info]anything4her (no subject) - 41 comments
05:36 pm: [info]star_killer (no subject) - 16 comments
05:44 pm: [info]outofhisleague Filtered Against Evil - 4 comments
06:45 pm: [info]ex_gavemepau32 Filtered Against Evil - 71 comments
08:42 pm: [info]thatlanewit Filtered from evil and Jerry - 84 comments
09:15 pm: [info]ripefruit private to Priestly - 10 comments
10:28 pm: [info]nightwingingit Text to Connor - 10 comments
10:55 pm: [info]itsallspandex Filtered against evil & psycho vamps x2 - 186 comments
12:35 am: [info]tuckersbrother Filtered Against Baddies & Jerry - 80 comments
12:45 am: [info]thunderstrikejr Filtered against evil - 7 comments
08:38 am: [info]_enigma (no subject) - 28 comments
12:18 pm: [info]hiddenmagic (no subject) - 23 comments
06:01 pm: [info]knocknockclauds Filtered to Peter V. - 13 comments
06:06 pm: [info]onatightrope no evil - 69 comments
07:40 pm: [info]turnedtoashes Filtered to Group Six - 22 comments
07:54 pm: [info]thatlanewit filtered from evil and jerry the vamp - 96 comments
07:56 pm: [info]avengingwarrior (no subject) - 14 comments
07:58 pm: [info]smokingmagician Text to Andrew - 40 comments
08:38 pm: [info]ismellapples Texts to Lois! - 13 comments
08:55 pm: [info]demnedproudofit Filtered against evil, Katherine and Jerry - 47 comments
09:09 pm: [info]itsallspandex Filtered against evil/Jerry/Katherine - 39 comments
10:33 pm: [info]imhisblogger filtered against evil - 31 comments
11:25 pm: [info]lostinthesewers filtered against evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 16 comments
11:27 pm: [info]subtletrick Needy - 19 comments
10:10 am: [info]itsallspandex Filtered to Enigma - 29 comments
10:47 am: [info]bad_narrator Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, and Jerry - 21 comments
11:49 am: [info]knocknockclauds Texts to Peter V. - 17 comments
01:47 pm: [info]robinofthehood Filtered to Marian - 12 comments
02:24 pm: [info]onatightrope filtered against evil - 26 comments
02:28 pm: [info]mydocumentary Filtered Against Evil - 14 comments
03:15 pm: [info]saltypineapple no evil - 10 comments
03:47 pm: [info]ex_gavemepau32 Filtered to Henry - 8 comments
04:38 pm: [info]smokingmagician Filtered to Steph - 27 comments
05:29 pm: [info]trustmyinstinct Filtered against Evil, Jerry and Katherine - 40 comments
06:14 pm: [info]imhisblogger Friends filter - 59 comments
07:29 pm: [info]decidewhoweare Filtered Against Evil and Jerry - 12 comments
10:08 pm: [info]ripefruit private to Tony Stark - 3 comments
12:25 am: [info]itsallspandex Filtered to Tony Stark - 6 comments
12:59 am: [info]knocknockclauds Filtered against evil/Katherine/Jerry/Gaia - 65 comments
01:21 am: [info]tricksterjaina Sam - 4 comments
06:38 am: [info]knocknockclauds Filtered to Jinksy - 4 comments
11:25 am: [info]thegirlisme (no subject) - 8 comments
11:39 am: [info]imhisblogger Text to Florence - 16 comments
12:06 pm: [info]psychobitchvamp Filtered to Jacen - 24 comments
12:44 pm: [info]plusone Filtered Against Evil - 45 comments
12:47 pm: [info]oldhunterstrick Eve? - 3 comments
02:08 pm: [info]spyerella Filtered Against Evil - 73 comments
02:45 pm: [info]impubescent Added: filter against evil - 35 comments
02:50 pm: [info]onhighway2hell (no subject) - 76 comments
03:32 pm: [info]onlynewlife Filtered to friends minus Shaina - 44 comments
06:29 pm: [info]ripefruit filtered to Amy's friends - 9 comments
06:48 pm: [info]abigolfive filtered against evil types - 18 comments
07:59 pm: [info]rory_centurion Filtered against evil, Katherine, Jerry - 14 comments
08:42 pm: [info]gaveuphisheart (no subject) - 109 comments
08:56 pm: [info]boywhobelieves filtered from evil and crazy vampires - 86 comments
09:04 pm: [info]imhisblogger Text to Rose - 22 comments
10:08 pm: [info]ripefruit note to Priestly and Peter V. - 17 comments
12:20 am: [info]onlynewlife filtred no evvil badddievamps ro peoplees that dnw OHA LSO NO KIDSS - 88 comments
12:32 am: [info]imhisblogger (no subject) - 23 comments
12:37 am: [info]stephaniebrown Filtered against Baddies & Jerry - 104 comments
12:59 am: [info]nightwingingit no evil - 27 comments
03:39 am: [info]actofbadfaith Added filter against evil, Jerry, and Katherine - 76 comments
07:57 am: [info]singmesoftkitty Filtered against Evil - 72 comments
10:53 am: [info]sanguinesolo Kon - 9 comments
11:57 am: [info]saltypineapple filtered to 10.5 The Doctor - 4 comments
12:13 pm: [info]iwantsomuchmore filtered against evil, katherine, jerry and regina - 136 comments
05:35 pm: [info]startsfires private to Andy - 7 comments
07:15 pm: [info]brain_ninja Filtered to Mel - 7 comments
07:41 pm: [info]ex_savior698 Filtered against Lucifer. - 23 comments
07:47 pm: [info]xander_shaped Filtered against Lucifer. - 40 comments
09:23 pm: [info]onatightrope filtered to Henry - 6 comments
10:09 pm: [info]saltypineapple Filtered to Regina - 9 comments
11:29 pm: [info]lostfairytale Filtered Against Evil, Jerry, Katherine, and Regina - 177 comments
11:32 pm: [info]ex_gavemepau32 Filtered to Regina - 10 comments
11:52 pm: [info]peetanotpita Filtered to Kal - 2 comments
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