War Is Coming Communications.

June 29th, 2012

June 29th, 2012

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Does this ever get better or am I always going to lose my friends on a whim?

filtered against evil, Katherine, Moriarty

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I think I look pretty badass )

filtered against evil, moriarty

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Astor's gone... I came in to ask her something and she's gone...

Filtered Against Evil

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Why can't self-given pedicures ever look as good as professional ones? Ugh.

Filtered to team good guys ONLY

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So I'm turning 19 Sunday and I'm throwing a party tomorrow night. Everyone's invited. It's at [Address of Jimmy's renovated place]. Please RSVP here so I know how much pizza and stuff to get!

to Andy

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So, Saturday... How should I dress?

Filtered against evil & Moriarty

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Free drinks at every bar in town except the Roadhouse for me and whoever wants to take me out a night early for my birthday since I've got way better plans for tomorrow? Don't mind if I do! Who's with me?

[Roadhouse staff]
Ain't gonna hit up the Roadhouse because I'm saving my money for something but I'm not gonna mind fuck you guys for free shit. Nothing against your establishment; I love it there. Didn't want you to think it was a boycott or something.

to Peeta

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I found a book that you might find useful. It's full of ideas as to how to deal with what they call post traumatic stress disorder which seems to be an accurate label for what we're going through. I'm almost finished reading. Would you like to have a look when I'm through with it?

How are you doing as of late?


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Filtered against Evil

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Who is Tom Cruise and why are people yelling at me in the streets and calling me that?

Filterrrred Against Evil YO!

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The soooooooooon to be birthday boooy!

Look forward to seriously drunken pictures to come, everyone!

Filtered against Lucifer.

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It's days like these where I find myself almost missing Gotham. The crime here is so...predictable.

When the seal isn't spitting out powerful mass murderers, of course. But even then, there's still downtime.

Anyone wanna go find out where some monsters are and blow 'em up?
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