War Is Coming Communications.

June 4th, 2012

War Is Coming Communications.


June 4th, 2012

filtered to Mark

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So I heard you're a vampire. Before you go and kill someone for a meal, I have blood at my place. I'm Damon, by the way.

Text to Jess

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» Hey. How goes it at the complex?
» I saw John went missing...you okay?

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Delivered by an inconspicuous human to the complex )

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine, The Master, Romana

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Right. So the Master's behind this and Romana is probably at the very least helping him to keep an eye on things.

If anyone, ANYONE, comes across the Master, don't engage him directly. Knowing him, he wants the final showdown to be between him and us three Doctors.

[Ten, Eleven]
I don't care what either of you say. I'm killing him for what he's done to Faithful Sexy. Might not have been as strong as what you felt from it Eleven, but I felt him hurt her, kill her. I will not let that stand. He had a chance and it's been used up. It ends now.

Seems the Master is behind all this nonsense. Keep an eye out and let me know if you find him. Ten I doubt will kill him and Eleven I feel would agonize too much over it. Me, I got no qualms.

Text to Clint

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Let's try the city's governmental buildings next, and find the one where they view traffic cams.

Galen, Ginny, & Katherine

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It's the full moon and Anna's still missing. I saw online last night that it was going to rise way freaking early this morning, so I locked myself in the bathroom and covered up the window, but it's getting really hard not to look outside, so...help? I don't care how or who or if you have to pass it off on someone else, but help me. And bring a blindfold.

I'm not a werewolf. I know what it sounds like, but I'm not.

Filtered Against Evil

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So you guys are all crazy, but can someone direct me to the hospital nearest [cross-streets]?

[ooc: because Harry is kinda stupid and hasn't made it to the complex or another safe place yet and got himself hurt during a run-in with some Autons, (I can't remember, are Auton guns a one-hit killer like the Daleks?)]

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[Family Filter]
How about we do a supply run for everybody? Between Leo, Chris, and Mel's orbing, Piper's exploding, and Prue and I using potions, we should be well equipped to get supplies.

We haven't seen enough of each other lately. How are you?

Filtered against evil, Master, Romana

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Okay, did anyone else see that note or whatever that was delivered to the complex? Pretty sure it's a clue to where some of the kidnapped are being held. I'm not the best ever at solving riddles, but given my rather extensive history of treasure hunting, I can discern a piece of it? Maybe?

It sounds like some are being held underground? Is there anything underground around here? You know, buildings or anything? Holes dug into the earth? Really, I'm just bullshitting about that part, but pretty sure someone is underground somewhere.

Any other input on the riddle before I go digging tunnels under the entire city?

filtered against moriarty, katherine, master, romana

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Take John, Lexi and Irene off the missing list, they've been found and brought back to the medbay in the complex.

Anyone else have any luck?


Thank you for looking after them while I was out. Well, mostly Emily but still, thank you.

filtered against evil, moriarty, emma and the master

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I apologize for my foolish action if it caused anyone inconvenience. If anyone needs me I'll be continuing my work in the medbay. try not to need me t
Why did he have to group me with that w

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I have come to one conclusion in my week and change here: Logic escapes this place entirely, and I don't like that at all.

And in other news: I suppose a proper introduction may be in order. You can call me House and...I suppose if any cases that are on the not-boring side hit the med bay here at the complex, I could potentially lend a hand. I was head of diagnostics at the hospital I was previously avoiding like the plague employed with, so I'm sure there will be a use for that kind of knowledge every now and then.

filtered against evil

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Peeta, Jenny, and Doreah were found.

We're home, we're both safe, but Peeta's about as dehydrated and starved as you would expect. He has some injuries too, so he's going to stay with us for a little while. Is that okay? I can't think of anyone better to help fix him up.

Dr. Moore
I have Peeta staying with me. If the med lab is going to make him see a doctor can you just come to my apartment to look at him?

Friends/people who were concerned about Peeta
He's going to be okay, he's staying with me, but we a need a couple days before we have visitors. I'll let you know.

Text to Darcy

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> I need to drink a fucking bar.

[Text to Pete]
> Could you get your girl to look in on Peeta at some point for me?
> Also I'm gonna drink a fucking bar tonight.

Texts to Katniss

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[ooc: these were attempted the day he woke up in the crypt and were stuck in the phone due to lack of signal]

» Yeah I did I know it was stupid I'm sorry
» I'm okay. Those plastic men got me

» in some kind of a room made of concrete
» there's two girls with me. Jenny and Doreah they said
» Tell people they're okay

» I don't know where I am but it's really dark

» Phone's dying I'm sorry
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