War Is Coming Communications.

April 1st, 2012

April 1st, 2012

No Evil, No Moriarty, No Katherine, and No Molokov, HMPH

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On Wednesday, I am going to see Titanic. In 3D. And having her bloody face in it isn't going to stop And every single person who wants to is invited to come along! We can all sob on each other's shoulders, it'll be amazing. Popcorn's on me!

[Filtered to Girl Friends (which is half the female population of Lawrence, geez)]

Now that everything's settled down, there's something you guys probably should know. And it's starting to get out so hopefully, most of you will hear it from me and if you didn't, I'm sorry! Things were crazy for a while and I thought everyone should have time to deal and then there was TOO much time to deal and...yeah.

So anyway. Right. Turns out I'm getting married! The Doctor asked a few weeks ago and obviously, I said yes, BECAUSE I'M SANE, OKAY?? And now you all know!

And we're still trying to pin down a date and make plans and things so for goodness sake, don't ask! Unless you have ideas, I accept ideas.

Ms Swan

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It has been brought to attention that you and this Moriarty have continued to become close recently. Evidently you have not been as careful as you may have wished to be, I'm afraid.

You did not wish to become your future, yet you
I would very much like to hear that this is not the case, or there is some other reason for
If you are attempting to use this to bring him down, it would be beneficial to your cause if you would let someone know rather quickly. Others will likely not be very pleased with

I suspect you understand why this would be rather concerning information. If it is not true, this would likely be a good time to inform the others, before the others cease to trust you.

Filtered to Ruby

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Do you happen to know any witches that could perform a Wiccan wedding?

Filtered to Ginny

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Ron told me...about the mark. I need to know what you've tried, I'm going to start working on figuring this out immediately, Ginny.

filtered against evil and moriarty

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My computer is smiling at me. I think it's got a virus? I click one away and like ten more appear.

filtered against evil and moriarty

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So..what is it you are supposed to do when it feels like you're missing something you're supposed to know but don't remember? Does that even make sense? I don't know. Whatever. It's weird. Nevermind.

Who's this Molokov guy some people are posting against anyway?

Filtered Against Evil

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Blue! Are you alive, man? Do I need to come look for you?

I'm thinking about opening another shoe store to pass some time. I think the only downfall is I can't have magical little shoe elves making them like I did back home. Takes part of the fun out of it. Bartering with them was one of the fun parts.

[Texts to Darcy]

3 texts; 1 multimedia. )

Filtered Against Evil (Moriarty, Molokov, Katherine)

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Oi, so whoever rearranged all of my electronics that's nowhere near joking enough to compare to the purple milk.

That's ace.

Who was it? Kon? Allana? Dad?

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine, Molokov

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Okay, whoever reprogrammed the alerts on my phone, not cool in changing them to that horrid movie. I mean, I approve of the prank but so not the movie.

Abbs, I'm figuring it's you given Ziva's more like Gibbs when it comes to tech I am too but that's besides the point. And don't try to blame it on McGeek either. He's not here. I'll give you a bat cookie if you change it back to the sounds I originally had.

Filtered to the Doctors (Time Lord Version)

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I asked Rose to marry me. She said yes. I ... well, she ... thought I should be sure you know, and I wasn't sure if you noticed me panicking about the ring.

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April Fool's prank for Tony Stark! )

to Mimi

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Hi! I don't know if we ever met, but I'm Brittany. You like to dance, right?

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tshi asd ihard mypasws arhug


Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine, Molokov, Ten, and Rose

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I want to be happy for Ten and Rose but...

...I can't. I know Ten's a version of me but it's not me. It probably sounds incredibly petty and human jealous of me but I fell in love with her first and she fell in love with me first.

[added not long after speaking with Romana and Eleven]

Okay, I know I've got probably a long way to go before I can truthfully say I'm happy for Ten and Rose, but talking things out has helped put things in perspective.

So I know one day I will truly be happy for them. But right now I need to work on getting there.

...I just hope I have ample time to get them a nice wedding present.

filtered against evil and all the usual suspects

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How you know my boyfriend is smart: he made it through April Fool's Day without touching my coffee, coffee mugs, or coffee making supplies. Thus, he still has a girlfriend. Also all of his limbs.

Now give me back my books Kon or I will set Daisy and Krypto loose while your video game paraphernalia is on the floor.

nofne lucrirher

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ifld asleepaids one imY keeybrd arnd nwe imve OPAWS???????//?/..>??


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