War Is Coming Communications.

February 22nd, 2012

February 22nd, 2012

Filtered against evil, the Moriarties, Katherine, Jimmy, Dawn, & anyone too young to be swearing

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...the fuck?!

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[Filtered to Jelena]
Wanna go glitter shopping tomorrow?

[Filtered to Mom and Dad]
Can I go hang out with Jelena tomorrow?

Connor & Jillian

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Stop talking in that thread. The one with the Jedi/Angel brat. Like now. It's not filtered properly and I just noticed. Jilly, take no mind of the fact that I've said I have no kids and do not comment to refute it.

I think a demon is trying to filter to me. I think it might be her, Connor. If Jason was right about his guess.

Filtered to Future Kids

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Hi, kiddos.

Tell me, am I around in your future?

[Samantha Winchester]
Hi there.

So, Dean's little girl. You liking the trip to the past?

I still have your camera.

Think I should use it when I go after the girl annoyed by the troll? Get some memories for all?

filtered against evil, jimmy and katherine

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That blonde girl, Kelly, don't answer her, no one answer her post to us, she's a demon. Her other name is Meg and she was hiding out during this time, in that disguise. I messed up, I talked to her, I'm really, really sorry, but no one else do it.

[[Outing of Meg due to future info approved by Hailey :)]]

Filtered to parents of future kids, excluding the Moriartys

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...just a heads up, someone's posted to us again. The future kids, I mean. I don't know who she is but last time someone filtered just to us and wasn't one of us...it was Lucifer.

Oh kriff, I really am a nar

Sammy Winchester beat me to it.

[Mr. Temple]

...except Jillian's still talking. The Christo was impressive, though, I totally forgot about that.

Filtered Against Evil...but for once we'll let side evil stay. Let's all unite for a cause!

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So this bitch, Meg. I'm done. She's threatened my daughter, she's attacked my girlfriend, and she's targeting other innocent kids. I'm not stupid enough to think I can take her myself. But I'm not going to keep sitting back and waiting.

I'll take help where I can get it. But I'm done playing the victim with her. You all wanted me to sit back and let the big kids handle it? Look where it's gotten us. No, now it's on.

[Jillian (Kimberly can read, too)]

I'm proud of you for thinking to Christo her, but honestly, sweetheart, quit talking to her. Please.


We're not going to let this go. I promise you that. Do me a favour? Stay inside. For a day or two. If she's making threats. I can't lose you. Got it?

Filtered to Jason

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She's back; that demon that attacked me. Connor's going to try something stupid if you don't beat him to the punch. Help?

Filtered to Clark & Conner

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Where are you right now, boys? Home I hope

Filtered to Abby

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Hey Abbs, rumor has it you're the go to gal for trying out for the FBI. Think you could hook an old friend up? :)

Filtered Against Evil (Moirarty Family and Katherine Added)+Dawn and Jimmy

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Has anybody else had loved ones acting a little weird today?

[Needy and Thor]
Something is up with Loki, I don't think it's normal him.

He woke up this morning and freaked out on me He seemed to not think I could be me. And he used his magic and hurled me against a wall.

Stay away from your dad, okay? Something weird is going on and he's not himself.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, & Katherine

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I want to go home. To Sunnydale.

ETA: [Buffy & Spike]

So Batman - which, isn't it awesome he's here? - told me I should let you two know I'm me. I am. Me again. I'm at our place, Buffy.

So...apparently future me did some bad stuff? He was a little vague except to say that Jimmy kidnapped the little mermaid and fought Logan. And that future me was going to leave me some info or something?

Filtered against evil, the Moriartys, Jimmy, Dawn

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Two lovely women who could be fighting over little old me. Such is the tragic fate of a DiNozzo

This week started off right :)

[added after finding out about the demon outing and threats from Ziva]

So this demon issue, anything a guy like me can do to help? And that makes my smiley face thing decidely inappropriate


Had a good time Sunday night. Sorry I didn't get a chance to say this earlier, been busy trying to get things in order to try to get into the FBI with my partner from my world.


Had a lovely time with you Katherine on Monday. Thanks for the interesting time.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty and Katherine

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2012 again? This trip was unexpected, but there are three Doctors here at least. Right, that said, on with the demon hunting.

filtered against evil, moriarty clan and katherine

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The wheels are turning
Broken machinery
It grinds below us
And all around I see
The cracked ceilings
The old familiar halls
The dirty paper
That’s covering the walls

changes. people switched back to normal and not right. time is on a collision course. future made mistakes. present to fix. present to the dark future and that future confused. large changes. she's been outed by future information. the seams splintered and now are torn. we're all torn. how to decide what can be shared what cannot be? who makes that choice? the paradox just got worse.

the gaslight brings both life and death.

filtered to Troy

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Do you think Moira likes me? I'd ask her but that would be kind of weird...

Filtered to Magnhildr

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You will stay in the complex with Darcy. Leave and you will be grounded until your third century. Is this clear?

[Separate filter for Loki]
You will explain yourself, brother. I trust it will be a very good explanation.

filtered against evil, Moriarty, and Katherine

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Tell me, is it true that there were dragons in this world at one point in time?

Filtered to Ben

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Can you stay with me again tonight?

text to dick

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We should do something. Pizza or gelato or frosted flakes. People are being stupid and I need to not fight them. You in?
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